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On October 11, 2013, I gave myself a challenge: every day for the next year, I committed to filling a 3x5 card to a one-word prompt, and posting it here.
Why? To make sure I wrote every day, even just a little bit. To prove to myself I could follow through on a long commitment. To desensitize myself to the fear of sharing something that isn't perfect (and may well be mediocre, or even downright crappy).
Below are all 365 cards (some of which I actually like!) Read the background story, and card #1, here.
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PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
There’s a picture of me in my brother’s lap, right after Mom brought me home from the hospital.
Legend has it that his first gift to me was a cold, which turned to pneumonia, that I’m lucky to be alive.
He’d had 20 months with my parents all to himself. What must he have made of this football-sized intruder?
I came into a world that had always had him. There never was a world without brother.
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I like it best when Cheerful Confidence leads the meetings. Sometimes, though, she’s under the weather, and one of the gremlins takes over.
Who Do You Think You’re Fooling, or Everyone Else Is So Much Better Than You So Why Bother, or You’re A Fraud.
They’re good at disguising themselves as The Voice of Truth, and lord knows they’re not concerned with accuracy.
Thank god for Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion, who alert me to their tricks and unmask the gremlins. Otherwise I’d never get anything done!
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What does it mean to be wicked?
Is it something inborn, or a part of one’s nature? Or does it merely describe behavior?
I truly believe nobody is born wicked. That each of us comes into the world completely good, zestful, fully alive.
Alas, we don’t hold onto that. And perhaps the things that strip our true nature away, perhaps those are what deserve the label, “wicked.”
Not us. Definitely not us.
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