Much as I hate to admit it, external validation really does make a difference. Relying on external validation is a sure recipe for misery, but getting some now and then, especially when I’m feeling a bit stuck, can be the boost that propels me on to the next step.
This morning I found a note in my Facebook account from a stranger (friend of a friend), asking if my new artwork is for sale.
I consider this a very good sign, and a message from the Universe!
Have I actually sold any of the new art yet? No. But that’s okay, because today I have hope.
The next couple of hours I was in a really wonderful mood. Such a nice change from yesterday’s blueness.
It’s quite possible that this tiny little gesture is what made the difference in my productivity level today, versus yesterday. I’ve still barely scratched the surface of my always-way-too-long to-do list, but I’ve completed some things, and made some headway on others, and that feels amazingly good.
Oh, and the migraine’s gone, so that helps too.
Thank you, stranger, for taking the time to send me a note! It made my day.
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