Dear loyal readers,
Just a quick post today.
Anyone who’s been here before will notice the site looks different. No, this isn’t the major site overhaul I’ve been itching to do, but changing my WordPress theme from Thesis to Headway allowed me to make some temporary changes, and while I was at it I threw in a new header.
So, question: whaddya think? If you had your druthers, would I keep this new header (with my photo) for the time being, or switch back to the old one (below, with dancing woman logo instead of photo)?
Leave a comment. I’m curious to hear!
Now back to work…
andrea says
i vote for the new one!
and i love your dress.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Aw, thanks Andrea! 🙂 (It’s my favorite dress.)
Barb says
I adore the new header but I wish your “Bliss evolves…keep following it!!” was written larger or darker. I really do love the new header, though. Good stuff!
Peace & Love,
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks for the suggestion Barb! Excellent point – just changed it for ya! 🙂
Fawn says
It’s a great photo of you — but honestly, I loved the dancing woman and I’ll miss her!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
I’m partial to the dancing woman too. Perhaps on the next version of the site design I can figure out how to incorporate her…
taloose says
I think you should look straight ahead. You have a pretty face so show it off. Use your REPLY picture.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks for your (very flattering) input! I agree that a straight-ahead gaze is better. I actually want to do a photo shoot to get some new pics for the site, so watch for changes sometime down the road! (On the web, everything is temporary. ;))
Kathleen Avins says
I’m no help — I like both headers!
I’d kind of like to see the dancing woman somewhere on the left of the new header, positioned in such a way that the photo of you would seem to be smiling down on her.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks for your input, Kathleen! Cool idea. (And I must say, it makes me happy that people like the dancing woman. :))
Chris Howard says
I likies the new one. Much more personable. Got a lotta warmth about it. And still has the joyful spirit of the other one.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks for chiming in! Glad to hear the new header transmits a joyful spirit!
Steven H says
The header looks much better and cleaner!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
I think so too. 🙂
mari says
I only found you recently, so I don’t know what your previous site looked like. But this one looks great! I’ve been using Thesis for a site I run for my crazy cookie decorating mania, and I’ve been thinking of ways to redo it. You’ve certainly made Headway look like a viable option for me! cheers, m
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Mari! I’d love to see your crazy cookie decorating mania site. (I used to have a bit of a cake decorating and gingerbread house obsession… :))
Headway has a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure out how to use the Visual Editor, it’s a designer’s dream come true!
mari says
Melissa, here ya go!
I haven’t baked in a while due to travel, being under the weather and oh, yes, this little creature called a baby that I have to look after. But I’m dying to get back to some mixing, rolling, cutting, baking and decorating soon.
cheers, m
Melissa Dinwiddie says
OMG Mari, I LOVE your cookie site! Fantastic! I’ve bookmarked it to use as a resource link on 365 Days of Genius. Will contact you directly about guest posting… 🙂