Here’s what I’ve found recently that I think you’ll enjoy:
Love Stuff
Savoring the Date
Everybody loves a good “how we met” story. I’ve always thought it would be cool to assemble a collection of such stories, maybe in a book, or nowadays on a blog.
Thriving Artists Project member Toby Simon has been doing just that, on her blog, Savoring the Date. Toby shares the stories of couples young and old, and always includes their tips for a successful relationship. (Be sure to also check out Toby’s website of custom illustrated save-the-date cards, at
Two As One
Meanwhile, my friend and fellow calligrapher (or, more accurately, artist/calligrapher and poet), Sherrie Lovler has a pretty cool how-we-met story of her own, now available as a gorgeous book of art and poetry.
Sherrie and her sweetheart, Tony, started off their relationship writing poems to each other. Sherrie turned the poems into a series of calligraphic paintings, and now the entire collection is assembled into a book that would be an asset to any coffee table, Two as One.
More Love
Founded by Celebrity Photographer Jeremy Cowart, Help-Portrait is a community of photographers, coming together across the world to use their photography skills to give back to their local community.
In December, photographers around the world will be grabbing their cameras, finding people in need and taking their picture. When the prints are ready, the photographs get delivered.
The mission? Here’s what it says on the about page:
Our mission at Help-Portrait is simply to equip and mobilize you, the photography community. We want to make sure you have all the information that you need to successful participate in Help-Portrait on 03 December 2011. We want to help you find other people in your area that are wanting to be part of Help-Portrait or have already begun to plan the event. We want you to have the opportunity to give.
Projects like this deserve all the promotion they can get, so tell your friends, tweet, stumble, mention on Facebook and whatever else you can think of.
Goddesses Are Everywhere!
The more I do this work of facilitating creative abundance, the more amazing people I discover.
The other day I got an email from artist and shaman Laura Hollick, of Soul Art Studio. She’d stumbled on the Thriving Artists Project, and seeing that we both do similar things, she invited me to a Skype chat. That evolved into a full-fledged interview for tTAP, and WOW, what an inspiration Laura is! Just hearing her story has helped me think bigger.
She’s got a ton of free videos and other content on her site, so check it out.
That’s it for this week! Happy weekend!
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