If you want people to remember what happens in your meetings, text-only won’t cut it. And your PowerPoints won’t help, either—sorry! What’s the answer?
Researchers report that people retain around 65% of what they see and only 15% of what they hear, but 80% if combined.
And when the information is drawn before their eyes in real time?
Talk about engagement!
I took these visual notes of a @Harvard Business Review article by Adam Brandenburger (Reprint R1902C), to help me consolidate my learning.
Imagine what graphics like this would do for your important meetings!
Just a few benefits:
�When people get visual feedback that they’re heard, they feel acknowledged, respected, & contribute more fully
�Graphic metaphors explicitly build shared meaning
�Visualization supports BOTH seeing themes AND seeing gaps
�Enhances alignment since everyone walks away w/a common picture
Can you envision a meeting YOU’D like to have visually captured?
Want to lead meetings that don’t suck? Get The Executive’s Guide to Leading Meetings Your Team Will Actually Look Forward To: http://bit.ly/CSSgid