Title: May 29
Acrylic, watercolor pencil
4″ x 6″ x 1 1/2″
(Please allow a couple of weeks for varnishing and curing before I ship!)
Creation Notes:
People often ask artists where they draw their inspiration. These days mostly I just start making marks or blobs with paint or ink, and respond to those marks improvisationally. This piece, though, did have some direct inspiration: Ruth Yuhas.
Ruth came to my Create & Incubate Retreat last weekend, and her paintings just blew me away. I wanted not to copy her (impossible anyway), but to borrow her technique of starting with pure color, then adding lines in watercolor pencil after the paint dries. What fun!
This abstract expressionist painting on canvas hasn’t been varnished yet, but I intend to varnish with a gloss finish, which will really make the colors pop, and install vinyl-wrapped hanging wire on the back.
Questions? Just lemme know!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
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