Title: May 31
Acrylic, watercolor pencil
5″ x 5″ x 1 1/2″
Creation Notes:
I think I have the most fun when I’m playing, just seeing what happens when I mix these colors, use that brush. Often I come to a place where I’m not sure whether to keep going or not — it doesn’t feel done, but I’m afraid of ruining it… Or I’m just curious what would happen if…
In those cases, my general rule (from my Keys to Creative Flow) is to “take the riskier path.” That’s what I did in this case, adding the black watercolor pencil over the rainbow colors.
I liked what it looked like before adding the watercolor pencil, but for me playing in the Creative Sandbox is about trying things. If I hadn’t tried it, I’d never know!
This is also one of the advantages of working “tiny and daily”: if I don’t like how it comes out, not to worry, because I’ll be starting a new piece very soon. 🙂 (Plus I can always paint over what I don’t like — I do that a lot!)
In the Collection Of:
The artist (that’s me!)
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
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