This is for @second_breaks who posted to Facebook, “When I read [my author heroes’] work in comparison to mine, I shrink into the tiniest ant. I am torn between throwing their books at the wall, and shredding mine. Their work and mine? They’re not even in the same ball park. How will I ever measure?” Her writing was so eloquent, and expressed exactly what I feel every day, usually several times a day.
Then she commented on her own post: “Melissa – oh how I wish I was camped in your living room right now.” So I replied. A lengthy reply.
Which will soon be part of an upcoming podcast episode.
But this pic (reposted from my @calligraphyhowto Instagram account) is the gist of it. Tattoo it on your brain, and go get creating!
#truth #creativity #comparisontrap #compareanddespair #calligraphy #brushlettering #brushcalligraphy #tombowdualbrushpen #letteringleague #moderncalligraphy #calligrapher #calligraphersoninstagram #calligraphersofinstagram #instacalligraphy #tombow #tombowusa #brushtype #letteringco #lettering #letteringart #letteringcommunity #creativesandbox
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