Newsflash: Today I got to pretend to be Terry Gross, one of my heroes, as I interviewed my friend, freelance writer, Fawn Fitter. Fawn graciously offered to be my first guinea pig for my Thriving Artists Project interviews, and what fun it was!
Over the weekend I researched conference call recording options, and after signing up for two (FreeConferenceCall and AudioAcrobat – because I’m a true believer in redundant redundancy, and did I mention I like backups?), I did a dry run with my land line and my cell phone.
(“Hello Melissa-on-cell-phone, how are you today?” “Just fine, Melissa-on-land-line. Thanks for asking!”)
This for some reason made me incredibly anxious (press what button, when??). New technology learning curves under pressure tend to do that I guess. But I’m glad to say that during the interview today, all systems were go — the conference call worked, the recording worked — hurray!
And best of all, I can now add “Interviewer” to my list of titles. (Who knows, maybe soon I’ll pretend to be Ira Glass, and “Radio Producer” will be next. I am Multi-Passionate, remember?)
The Thriving Artists Project in lift-off
A week from today I interview painter Ann Rea (whose artist business and coaching service is appropriately called ArtistsWhoTHRIVE). The Thriving Artists Project, my tool kit for anyone who’s curious about what it takes to make a sustainable living from their creative thing, is moving forward!
I’m excited, and yes, I’ll admit I’m also a bit nervous:
What if the conference call recording doesn’t work?
What if the interviews don’t go very well?
What if nobody else on the planet is interested in this stuff?
What if I land on my face with this thing?
Who do I think I am and who am I kidding?
Those, of course, are the niggling monster voices (as Havi might call them), which don’t want me to take on this big project, but I’m charging forward despite them.
In fact, the project keeps growing in my head, and in my journal notes. In addition to the interviews that I’m lining up with artists and creatives of all sorts (painters, calligraphers, photographers, writers, musicians — you name it!), I’ve been thinking about what else I can include to make this thing kick butt!
Which is where you come in.
If you could ask any question, or get any specific piece of info related to taking your creative thing to the next level, to even making a sustainable income from doing your creative thing, what would it be?
What are you dying to know or learn about? What would inspire you? What would help you move your dreams forward?
I know my imaginary audience isn’t entirely imaginary anymore, so write your questions in the comments section. Tell me what you want to know, and I’ll seek it out for you!
But if you’re shy, it’s okay. I’m doing this thing because it thrills and excites me, and I’m curious to see where it will lead. If you join me on the journey, I’d be delighted, but traveling solo has its perks as well.
And I’ll send postcards along the way.
Amber says
Melissa – You are going to rock this! My questions:
1) What is the best channel to initially sell your art (paitings, cards/designed, and photos in my case)?
2) How do you break into local art galleries, etc?
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Amber! I’m adding these to my list of interview questions. 🙂