Title: Vibrant Journey
Mixed media (acrylic, watercolor pencil, soapstone)
5″ x 5″ x 1 1/2″
Creation Notes:
When I wanted to add some subtle, wandering marks on this painting, I dug in a drawer for a mark-making tool I’ve never used: a soapstone pencil.
The father of a long-ago boyfriend had a long career as a graphic designer, and a lot of cool stuff in my supplies came from him. These soapstone pencils were used for making light marks on dark surfaces. They’re still in use today for marking anything from fabric, to steel, to cheese slates!
I got to try out a “new” tool, and I was pleased that it gave me just the “ghostly” effect I was hoping for.
To Tanya.
Tanya says
I see faces in this painting, faces in repose and contemplation of the vibrant journey. I would love to buy it. Is 25 fair? let me know
Melissa Dinwiddie says
You win, Tanya! Send me $25 via PayPal and after the varnish is dried and cured I’ll ship you your painting! (Note: this assumes I’m shipping to a US address; if you’re international, I’ll have to get a quote on the shipping.) I’ll be in touch via email… 🙂
Linda DaPra says
Hi there, question: What do you varnish with? I’ve been using Acrylic Matte Varnish, but it’s not as shiny as I would like? Thanks., Linda 🙂
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Linda, I use Golden MSA Spray Varnish: . I always start with gloss — enough coats for an even finish. Then if I want it not so shiny I add another coat of matte or satin.
With spray varnish it is essential to wear a respirator (I use this + this), saftey goggles and nitrile gloves. I do my varnishing outside, and cover my work with a screen while it dries.
Here’s a great video on how to properly varnish with spray varnish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE5lZUyoj-U