Inspired by Havi (because she’s brilliant), and because looking back is a great way to figure out the best way to move forward, I’ve started a ritual of reviewing the week that was: what went well, where it got hard, what to take away, and next steps.
How was your week? Chime in if you like!
Friday’s here! In fact, it’s almost Saturday, but still time to do a weekly review before the weekend.
Here we go…
Because it’s frequently hard to put attention here, we’re going to start with:
What’s going well
Self-care: Lots of fun/social time – yay me!
– Connecting with good friends at the casual dinner-with-Passover-elements on Monday.
– Connecting with more friends, new people, and spiritual heritage at real seder on Tuesday.
– Shot-in-the-arm tea date with new-friend Michelle, who gave me renewed hope, reminded me that I have value to contribute, validated my big dreams, gave me some cool new ideas, and dramatically boosted my spirits. (And best of all, she’s moving back to the area in June!)
– Dinner and a play with Pamela tonight.
– Sweetness, sweetness, sweetness from one of my biggest fans.
– Fun conversation with Cathy at the yoga studio.
Self-care: processing emotion.
Great crying-jag-session with co-counselor (several thousand tears closer to healing).
Self-care: doing what I love and living my creative life!
GIG LAST NIGHT! Hooray! My voice felt powerful, flexible and strong, despite my lack of performing for the past few months. Lots of fun banter with my guitar player, and noticing that our fun was totally not dependent on attention from the crowd.
AND I sold a CD!
Massive achievement.
Got over the first bump in the road (yay me!)
Discovered a new tagline.
“When I met my ex-bf I was on a mission to find my life partner; now I’m on a mission to find my life.”
Love that!
Set one today by figuring out that someone else’s urgency was not my problem, and exercised that most challenging sentence in the English language: no. (Yay me!)
Where it got hard
First bump in the road.
Hit it. Hard. Serious self-doubt. Serious mourning of loss. Serious overwhelm.
Shoulder flare-up preventing me from doing yoga (boo!)
Notice: my What’s Going Well’s outnumber my Where It Got Hard’s three to one! A day ago I felt totally sunk, and could never have guessed I’d end up with this ratio! But today I can see where my life is good.
This is a good thing!
And a good reminder that feelings are transitory.
Notice: I am taking really good care of myself in lots of ways!
Next steps
Get my New York class plan fully organized, and handouts completed, by the end of the weekend (ack!)
AND make sure to allow time for:
– Walks.
– Fun, social time.
Over and out. Happy weekend everyone!
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