So how’m I doing in my quest to re-invent my life, follow my evolving Blisses and create the life I really, really want?
I love making mistakes.
Actually, I lie. I hate making mistakes. But I do love the learning that frequently results from them.
Like the fact that changing the title on a previously published blog post will result in AWeber (affiliate link), my mailing list software, re-sending it (or all FIVE of them, as the case may be) in one fell swoop to my entire mailing list.
I got one unsubscribe as a result, and I can’t say I blame him. Though it makes me sad that he would assume I emailed a whole slew of posts at once intentionally.
As one of the many folks who graciously replied to my apology email put it, “Oh geeze, if someone unsubscribes because of an obvious technical glitch, maybe, they’re not the kind of reader you need.”
Thanks to everyone else who sent an email reply assuring me not to worry. You all make me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
And in case you’re wondering why my Sunday post is publishing on Monday, well, I promised my subscribers never to intentionally send more than one email a day. Ahem.
My Imaginary Audience is becoming less and less imaginary
Despite the technical glitches, I must be doing something right, because the subscriptions keep trickling in, and along with them some wonderful emails and comments that truly make my day.
I’m a sucker for stuff like that. (Hint, hint.)
Hearty thanks to the ones that jumped out at me this week:
- A link from Marie at Through Purgatory, who was inspired by my walnut ink creations to go to the art store to try to find some of her own to play with.
- A lovely note from new subscriber, Brigitte, of the amazing Dark Smile Studio based in Prague (check out her dolls and marionettes – wow!)
- Baker at the brand-sparkly-new Catfish Parade, who included me and my 15 Minutes a Day art checkin as one of his Highly-Inspiring and Curiously Revolutionary: Catfish-Approved Creativity Links
- Michelle Jones, who linked to both Living A Creative Life and 365 Days of Genius in the Creativity category of her blog, The Creative Spark
- Colin at Folk the Rules, who included a link to 365 Days of Genius (and oh, how this tickles me!) in his Ninjas category. I always kinda wanted to be a ninja. (Without the tendency toward injury and death, however. Or having to kill people.)
Cool blogs, all, so check’em out.
Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! For you!
Thanks to all of you members of my imaginary audience transubstantiating into real followers, I’m this close to 100 email-list subscribers. Still an intimate-sized group, but growing every day. I’d love to top 100 – and then 1,000 subscribers – and I’ve been wracking my head for what kind of thank you gift I can offer to everyone on the list when I hit those milestones.
Not just to the 100th (or someday 1,000th) subscriber, but to everyone on the list.
Suggestions anyone? I’m curious what you’d like as a thank you gift from me. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Inquiring minds want to know!
So, mistakes and milestones covered, what else went on this week?
CustomerLove for Japan
If you were hanging around LACL late last year, you might remember when I dove into the November #CustomerLove challenge, using it as a springboard to help me get my Thriving Artists Project launched on December 1st.
Well, now the CustomerLove crew is at it again, but with a philanthropic twist.
We’re bundling up a whole slew of pretty awesome products and services that will go to anyone who donates $97 (or more) to the Direct Relief International relief effort. Plus everyone who purchases will be entered in a drawing to win more cool stuff.
I’m donating 18 one-hour coaching/consulting sessions (Creativity Chart-Coursing, or Whip Your Website Into Shape web/blog critique, or Technology Mentoring for Technophobes. Or hell, whatever else you might want help with.) And the list of other stuff that’s going into the bundle is pretty amazing.
The sale will be for 72 hours only, from midnight, March 28 until midnight, March 31.
We’re still accepting donations (til Tuesday, March 22), just submit your donation info here. And here’s where to click if you want to know more about the 72-hour extravaganza.
A gig!
Can I just state for the record that I love performing! I haven’t been out pounding the pavement to get gigs, though, so when one appears it’s a real treat.
Which definitely describes the Women of Song concert to a standing-room-only crowd on Friday night. (A benefit to support the Be a Dear and Donate a Brassiere organization.) Given that the very notion of holding a microphone had me shaking in my shoes just 6 short years ago, my comfort in the spotlight these days is rather astonishing.
As it turns out, I’m a big ham.
Something comes over me when I get in front of an audience. I feel bigger, more powerful, unstoppable. Like I’m channeling.
I’m sharing clip below, my one “non-funny” song of the evening, because the response I got to it really surprised me. I feel somewhat less confident singing so open and “naked” in a slow ballad like this than I do hamming it up with my uke. And since this blog is so much about sharing my vulnerabilities, I thought this was the appropriate clip to post (though you’ll be able to see more eventually, as I get them posted on YouTube and my LACL music video page.)
The Studio Beautification Project – back on track!
Saturday saw me exhausted and feeling rather sunk (debt – of both the sleep and money variety – will do that to a person). After teaching my Saturday morning calligraphy class, I was all set to finally try and catch up on some sleep, when I mentioned to my sweetie that I still have a goal of purging my studio and turning it into the spacious, uncluttered, serene space I’ve always wanted.
I had been in the habit of dealing with/tossing/putting away one thing every time I walked in the studio door, but some urgency or another threw me off course weeks ago and I fell off the wagon.
“Why don’t we start now?” my sweetie asked.
“Sure, it’ll be fun!”
(OMG, is this guy amazing, or what?)
So we spent the next few hours purging an ungodly amount of boxes and packing materials that for some unknown reason I’d stashed in the storage room (ie, the studio bathroom). We drove an entire carload of cardboard to the recycling center, took the dying vacuum in for repairs, and picked up various and sundry necessaries.
And you know what, I felt a whole lot better!
Napping is great, and I definitely could have used it, but taking action is a sure cure for feeling sunk.
As I said to my sweetie that night, if we did that much work every week I’d have the studio of my dreams by the end of the year for sure. And maybe a lot sooner.
And finally, a confession…
It pains me to say this, but I woke up on Saturday and suddenly realized I hadn’t put in my 15 Minutes of art-making the day before.
I spent much more then 15 minutes painting the next day, but that’s really not the point. The point is commitment. And I blew it.
If this were, I’d have to start all over from day one. Like an alcoholic who hasn’t had a drink in X days.
Thankfully, this isn’t, but I still feel sad and annoyed with myself.
On the other hand…
The very fact that I feel sad and annoyed with myself for not making art is an amazing change from just never making art at all.
I’ve come a long way, and it’s a good thing.
Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for today’s 15 minutes.
(And oh, if you’re doing the 15 Minutes a Day challenge, how’s it going? Chime in and let me know.)
Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Oh yes, I love the giftie gifts! Melissa, what I would LOVE to receive is a special-made-for-us-loyal-subscribers work of art, delivered digitally and ready to use as a screensaver or to print on awesome paper, frame and hang on my wall! That would give me a serious case of the happies!
Thanks for the suggestion, Sandi. I like this idea! And you’ve given me another idea: to get direction for the content of the artwork from my subscribers!
Now to figure out when to email the question so I won’t be overloading peoples’ inboxes! 😉