I used to say I’d rather be roasted over hot coals than move house.
Like Gloria Steinem said about writing, I don’t like moving; I like having moved. There’s something so freeing about starting over in a new place.
And there’s nothing like moving to motivate me to purge.
Now, though, happy in my home, I’d like to find motivation to clear stuff out without the hassle of actually moving.
A friend of mine packed up all his stuff in boxes, as if they were moving, the goal being to get rid of everything they didn’t use in the span of a month.
So far, though intrigued, I haven’t been moved to try that myself.
Process Notes:
A big part of why I do this practice is to give myself permission to crank out crap, on the theory that:
A) If I crank out enough crap, once in awhile I’ll produce something good. (Creative Sandbox Rule #3: Think quantity, not quality.)
B) The way to get better at something is to do it, so presumably the ratio of crap to not-crap will improve with time. (Ditto.)
Today is one of those days when there’s nothing I particularly like about my efforts. This is okay! This is part of the practice!
At least this is what I’m telling myself.
I am choosing to trust the process.
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
This is a really cool idea! I definitely need something like this
I’m big on ridiculously achievable goals. Not only am I way more likely to make them happen when they’re tiny, but when I fall off the wagon, it’s so much easier to climb back on!
Plus it’s amazing how much I accomplish, tiny step by tiny step. 🙂
I am already thinking about my lease ending next July…purging is top on my list…getting started is at the bottom! Love you melissa
Haha! Purging is one of those things that I really get into… once I’m into it. Getting started is a bear, though. Sending you strength, dear friend! 🙂