I can’t remember when writer and coach Alison Gresik first landed on my radar, but when she did I was naturally intrigued by this fellow creative and creativity coach, whose client list, it turns out, overlapped with my own!
I had the pleasure of meeting Alison in person at last year’s World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon, not long before she embarked on an around-the-world journey with her husband and two young children — a journey that is happily evolving into a permanent vagabond lifestyle for all of them.
Being myself the sort who loves to travel, but also reeeeeaaaaallllly likes having roots in a permanent home, I was fascinated by Alison’s adventure! I wanted to know all about her world, so foreign to my own, yet with a lot of overlaps, too. How do you maintain a creative practice on the road, I wondered? How is it to travel with young kids?
I’m delighted that I’ll soon be able to read all about it, because Alison is publishing a memoir, Pilgrimage of Desire, the story of her family’s first year of full-time world travel, set against the backdrop of her recovery from depression. Alison writes: “It’s the story of how I learned to stop walking sanctioned concrete, and instead followed my own desire lines.”
Yeah, baby! Who wouldn’t want that?
In fact, I’ve read the prologue and first chapter of Alison’s memoir, gorgeously designed by Michelle Farinella, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. You can view the gorgeous sample chapters here, (do it! now! you won’t regret it — this woman knows how to write!), pre-order a full copy and contribute to its production via Alison’s Indiegogo fundraising campaign (but don’t delay — the campaign ends at 11:59pm PT on Wednesday, June 6.) I made my contribution, and cannot wait to read the rest of the book!
When you finish devouring those luscious sample chapters, come back here and listen to my interview with Alison. We met up last week on Skype to discuss her book, life on the road, overcoming depression, living a creative life, and a whole lot more.
Click to listen or download to your computer:
Alison Gresik Interview (27:22)
What speaks to you most about Alison’s pilgrimage?
Helloooo! Announcing Cool Stuff!
Calling all artists!
If you’re sick and tired of the “starving artist” mindset, it’s time to change the conversation — join me and Cory Huff of The Abundant Artist at our free Game-Changer video chats!
It all starts on Tuesday, June 5, when I share all the gory details of how I built a business from my art, then crashed and burned, and rebuilt my life from the ground up. Then on Thursday, June 7, I’ll grill Cory on what it really takes to leverage the power of the internet to build the life you want as an artist.
Then next week, on Tuesday, June 12, we’ll wrap up our third and final Game-Changer video chat with a big surprise you won’t want to miss.
The last time we did this, hundreds of artists participated. It’s a lot of fun, and you may even be inspired to take your art business to a whole new level.
Want to join us? Click here to register:
Then click here to tweet about it!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on! Click here to tweet it. Share on Facebook. Forward to a friend. You know the drill.
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