Read My Mind, Baby!
Here's where you'll find all my writings — articles on creativity, creative productivity, getting unstuck, being a passion pluralite, and more, and behind-the-scenes journal entries on the wonderful, messy, sometimes really hard reality of living a creative that so few ever actually share.
I have a lot of other blog feeds here that you might also be interested in, though:
Podcast – my weekly podcast, The Creative Sandbox Way™.
Animation – fun with stop-motion animation!
Art in Progress – works in progress (be a fly on the wall in my studio!)
Calligraphy – calligraphy videos, tips, and tutorials
Music Loops – audio experiments in being a one-woman band, using Loopy app
Project 3x5x365 – my year-long tiny-but-daily writing experiment
How to get people to remember your meetings…
Creative Sandbox Way™ Guidepost #4: Think tiny and daily
Creative Sandbox Way™ Guidepost #3: Think quantity, not quality
How to Add Video Subtitles in a SNAP!
I’ve been obsessed with video subtitles lately.
I’ve been playing around with making videos for LinkedIn.
Like this one, which showcases my visual communication skills while sharing a message:
Notice the subtitles in that video? If you’ve ever recorded a video, you’ll know that subtitles don’t magically appear on their own.
If you want to share videos on social media, however, subtitles are a really good idea. [Read more…]