A quick doodle this morning, before getting ready to facilitate a visioning workshop for the Board of Directors for Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence. 🖍
Even a few, tiny moments of creative sandbox playtime can make a big difference. When you make space for your art, you signal your creative spirit that you value it and take it seriously. Which makes your creative spirit less likely to feel abandoned and hibernate. 😊
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Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
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Snapshot from My Studio: September 25, 2019 at 08:30AM
Morning 3×5 doodle to start the day. This one started out as a vertical line, but I like it better horizontal. 😊
Does that ever happen to you—starting a piece in one orientation, but then the piece decides it wants to be in another orientation when you’re done with it? .
#doodle #dailydoodle #dailycreative #dailyart #imperfectionism #letitbecrappy #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #doodlesofinstagram #tinyart #abstractart #doodleart #creativesandboxway #creativeplay #pigmamicron #indexcards #indexcardartist #3×5
Snapshot from My Studio: September 23, 2019 at 04:26PM
Century Plant doodle on watercolor wash background. Inspired by the blooming aloe vera Century Plant at the Spring 2019 Creative Sandbox Retreat a week ago. I’m already longing for the next retreat! Not too far away—it’s at the end of January. 😊
These doodles are so satisfying to do. My gremlins say, “What are you wasting your time on this for?!” But my inner 4-year-old is utterly delighted. In that competition, it’s always best to let the inner 4-year-old win. 😊👍 She knows best what leads to health and happiness!
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Snapshot from My Studio: September 22, 2019 at 08:29AM
Critter doodles on a 3×5 card to start the day.
Confession: I’ve been struggling to get some art into my days for the past several months. Yes, it happens to creativity instigators just like everyone else. I took a course that threw off my morning routine back in April, and have been having a devil of a time resynching it. Daily creative sandbox time was part of my morning ritual, and when that finely tuned morning ritual was pulled apart, everything went to $#!@.
This is reality. Humans are, well, human. Life happens. We stumble. We fall off the beautiful wagons we build for ourselves. THAT is not actually the problem. The problem is beating ourselves up for falling off, and not getting back on.
The solution? As always, it’s my Golden Formula: self-awareness + self-compassion = the key to everything good. 😊
In other words, what happened? What do I want? What do I not want? What works for me? Why doesn’t work? (That’s the self-awareness piece.) Notice that I am human, forgive myself for being human (I’m not the first person to have stumbled in this way!) And how can I treat myself with the utmost gentleness, kindness, and care? (That’s the self-compassion piece.)
Right now I’m working on figuring out a new morning routine. It’s going to take awhile to get it right, I know that. Trial and error. But I also know that getting creative sandbox time in there is ESSENTIAL to my health and happiness. This is progress.
I will stumble again. This I know. I will fall off the wagon many times. But that doesn’t worry me. Because the most important practice is simply getting back ON the wagon. With gentleness and great self-compassion. If I can do that, I’m golden.
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Snapshot from My Studio: September 21, 2019 at 07:22PM
Kitty doodles! It’s been awhile since I’ve done #critterdoodles. I’m not sure why, because they’re so fun! And kitties always make me happy. 😊
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