Detail of #wip #alteredbook: ask much of love.
Beauty and meaning make your heart delightful.
#workinprogress #originalart #creativesandbox #foundpoetry #bookpagepoetry #blackoutpoetry #whiteoutpoetry #ink #intuitiveart
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: October 20, 2015 at 09:51PM
New page spread-in-progress from my #alteredbook, Win Him If You Want Him, published 1937: ask much of love. beauty and meaning make your heart delightful.
#workinprogress #wip #mixedmedia #originalart #creativesandbox #whiteoutpoetry #blackoutpoetry #bookpagepoetry #foundpoetry
Snapshot from My Studio: October 20, 2015 at 09:35PM
And a detail of the other side of the spread. #roundrobin #bookart #collage #intuitiveart #improvisation #workinprogress #wip #originalart #creativesandbox
Snapshot from My Studio: October 20, 2015 at 09:34PM
Starting work on a #roundrobin #bookart project. I hadn’t planned to #collage, but that’s the fun of #intuitiveart and #improvisation: you never know what will emerge! #workinprogress #wip #originalart #creativesandbox
Snapshot from My Studio: October 17, 2015 at 01:23PM
#recto #bookpagepoetry #closeup: You are a divinely independent spirit. #blackoutpoetry #whiteoutpoetry #creativesandbox #originalart