Refuge. Day 13 from the #creativesandboxchallenge inside the #creativesandboxcommunity. I modeled this after the sketch that member (and challenge host) made (which you can find on her Instagram feed). I was so inspired by it! 🖍
That’s one of the things I love about the Creative Sandbox Community: we inspire each other! Seeing the art, photos, writing, clutter-clearing “before” and “after” pics that people share… and hearing/reading the stories of their insights… it inspires ACTION!
We see, read, hear what someone else is doing or has done, and it jazzes us up to try something new ourselves, or to make a change, or to take that step we’ve been wanting to take but have been afraid to.
That is the power of a community of kind, generous, open-hearted souls. All gathered together with the intention to care about and support one another. It’s the closest thing to magical I know of. I love these women so much! 🖍
I am doing things I never would have done, thanks to the support of the Creative Sandbox Community. And I am far from alone in saying that.
It’s been a long time since I’ve opened the doors to the public. We’ve moved off Facebook and into our own private space on Mighty Networks, and I’m getting ready to start welcoming new women in as early as next week. 🖍
We’ll kick off with three weeks of clutter-clearing, to make space to create. Stay tuned! This will be fun! 😁
#visualnotes #visualthinking #vizthink #visualcommunication #sketchnotes #originalart #doodle #dailydoodle #dailycreative #graphicfacilitation #creativesandboxway
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: July 14, 2018 at 08:36AM
Abandoned. Day 14 of the July #creativesandboxchallenge inside the #creativesandboxcommunity, my lab for women’s leadership through creative expression. Did you know the doors are opening to new members soon? We’ll kick off the re-opening with a Great ClutterBust on July 24th — 3 weeks of clearing out the clutter to make space to create! All members, new and current, get to join in. Turning an onerous task into something fun and playful, and actually getting it DONE, together. 😄 🖍
It’s a great way to start off your membership in the community: a fresh start, with a freshened-up space, that you’re excited to be in because it makes you feel good, makes you WANT to create! Not like this drawing of an abandoned house! 😂
Stay tuned…
#visualnotes #visualthinking #neulandmarkers #doodle #dailydoodle #dailyart #dailycreative #creativesandboxway #imperfectionism #originalart
Snapshot from My Studio: July 12, 2018 at 08:51AM
Sketchbook page. Practicing hands from @evalottchen. She does the coolest illustrations!
#visualnotes #visualthinking #neulandmarkers #originalart #imperfectionism #doodlesofinstagram #tinyanddaily #creativesandboxway
Snapshot from My Studio: July 11, 2018 at 08:54AM
Day 11 of the Creative Sandbox Challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community: graveyard. 🖍
Yes, it appears some of the residents of this graveyard are quite short. Ahem. I’ll have to work on that. Still, it gets the point across, I think, which is the goal, after all. 😊
#creativesandboxchallenge #visualthinking #visualnotes #visualcommunication #doodle #doodlesofinstagram #doodlewithdinwiddie #sketchnotes #imperfectionism #originalart #neulandmarkers #graphicfacilitation #dailycreative
Snapshot from My Studio: July 10, 2018 at 09:14AM
Frozen time. Day 10 from the July creative challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community. 🖍
It’s supposed to be a stopwatch in an ice cube, though the blue streaks at the bottom make it look a bit like a gigantic stopwatch on a pillow on a bed with blue sheets! 🤣
Context is everything. If I drew this image in a sketchnote, to illustrate the concept of frozen time, you probably wouldn’t see a pillow and sheets. But now that I mentioned it, it’s probably all you *can* see! If I added the label, “frozen time,” however, my lack of drawing skills would be forgiven, and you’d get what I was trying to communicate.
Visuals don’t have to be perfect, they just have to be placeholders. Stand-ins. Something for our eyes to grab onto and say, “Ah, yes, I get it.” 🖍
Having that visual allows our minds to relax—the information is retained by the visual, so we don’t have to remember it. We can focus our attention elsewhere, knowing the information will be there for us when we need it.
The visual holds the information for us, so much more powerfully than just words! Even if it’s wonkily drawn. 😉
#powerofvisuals #visualnotes #visualthinking #visualcommunication #graphicfacilitation #sketchnotes #time #neulandmarkers #originalart #creativesandboxway #creativesandboxcommunity #imperfectionism #dailyart #dailycreative #creativesandboxchallenge #tinyanddaily