I’m at Creative Sunday Lab, hosted by @jenniheffernanbrown, working on these Visual Shownotes™ of a TED talk by @isabelbehncke, Evolution’s gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans. 🖍
I’m not at a point where I can live capture a talk like this—the talk is under 20 minutes, and I’ve spent over two hours on this flipchart sketchnote! And it feels WAY too busy, and WAY too messy, and is filled with mistakes. But practice is practice. Every time I do ANYTHING related to sketchnoting or visual facilitation/visual communication/visual notetaking, I learn. 🖍
EVERY time I do something that makes me think, “Well, THAT didn’t work…” And you know what? THAT is when the learning happens!! Because only when I make those “mistakes” can I figure out what would work better! 🖍
So go out and try something, knowing that it’s not going work the way you want. That’s the way we grow! We need the crap to fertilize the good stuff! 😊
#creativesandboxway #creativesundaylab #visualcommunication #visualpractice #visualnotes #visualshownotes #neulandmarkers #graphicfacilitation #isabelbehncke #dailycreative #doodlesofinstagram #originalart
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: May 18, 2018 at 08:41AM
Who knew there was such a thing as No Dirty Dishes Day?? The things I’m learning thanks to the May creative challenge in the Creative Sandbox Community! 😊
#creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxway #nationaldays #nodirtydishes #originalart #doodlesofinstagram #visualthinking #visualcommunication #dailydoodle
Snapshot from My Studio: May 17, 2018 at 08:09AM
May 17 is Walnut Day, Cherry Cobbler Day, and Pack Rat Day. All things I learned thanks to the May monthly creative challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community! 😊
I am not a photorealist, nor do I aspire to be. I like to figure out how to quickly communicate concepts through sketching. That’s what I use the monthly creative challenges for: to grow my visual vocabulary. Other members use it to work on strengthening their drawing muscles, or to have a writing prompt every day. It’s up to you. It’s a fun way to stretch and share, and be inspired by each other. 😊
Community is great for that.
#smalldailyacts #tinyanddaily #dailydoodle #doodlesofinstagram #originalart #visualcommunication #visualnotes #neulandmarkers #dailycreative #creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxchallenge
Snapshot from My Studio: May 15, 2018 at 08:16AM
Happy Nylon Stocking Day! 😊 It’s also the first day of Multi-Passionate Must-Haves, the 72-hour bundle sale for people with a ton of different passions and interests. My ebook+workbook combo, Erase the Chaos Toolkit, is part of the bundle this year, which is a great lineup of courses and books to help you be more productive AS a multipassionate. Valued at over $1500, but selling for less than $100 for 3 days only—after Thursday, it’s gone.
Check it out at http://bit.ly/MPMH2018 .
#mpmh #nylonstockingday #tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #visualcommunication #originalart #sketch #dailydoodle #multipassionate
Snapshot from My Studio: May 14, 2018 at 12:16PM
We had Mom & Pop over for dinner last night for Mother’s Day (Avocado Alfredo—yum!). I recently took delivery of a new flipchart easel, which I’d set up in the living room to try out, so instead of making Mom a card, I made her a flipchart. It was the first thing she saw when they walked in, and she LOVED it! She immediately wanted to snap a pic. 😊
Sometimes the tools of the trade come in handy for more than the trade. ❤️❤️❤️
#mothersday #creativesandboxway #imperfectionism #justdoit #tinyanddaily #visualcommunication #doodlesofinstagram #flipchart #visualnotes #originalart #greetingcards