“Kate” – reposted from my #namelottery over at @calligraphyhowto ?
Pen: Gillott 303
Ink: Dr. Ph. Martin’s Iridescent Calligraphy Ink in 12R Iridescent White
Paper: Canson Mi-Teintes
Enter the #namelottery and win for a friend! ==============
IMPORTANT: In order to be considered, you must enter SOMEONE ELSE’S NAME, not your own!! You are entering to win a FRIEND’S name in calligraphy, so if you want me to do YOUR name, ask a friend to enter you. ?
============== Here’s how to enter to get your friend’s name in calligraphy (you must follow ALL steps): 1. Follow @calligraphyhowto on Instagram.
2. Leave a comment on the ORIGINAL post at @calligraphyhowto on Instagram.
3. Tag your friend in the comment.
4. Include the ACTUAL NAME you want me to write, not just the Instagram ID!
And don’t forget to grab your FREE Brush Lettering Guides at http://bit.ly/1U0olPy! ?
#calligraphyvideo #artvideo
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