Yep, that’s right – I’ve got 99 email subscribers (plus some additional unknown number on RSS), and when the next (email) subscriber pushes me into triple digits I’m going to celebrate by making a piece of downloadable art as a gift for all 100 subscribers.
(Not the piece shown on the left, but perhaps something similar… who knows? Keep reading for more details…)
Only the first 100 subscribers will get this particular piece – it’s going to be my exclusive gift to my first loyal followers – so if you want in, sign up now and push me over the edge!
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and so far I’ve heard requests for one of my walnut ink pieces. If you were hoping for something else, or there’s something in particular that you want on the piece (a word, a feeling, an image, other colors, whatever), and if you’re a subscriber, just let me know.
Of course I retain veto power, but it would be fun to incorporate whatever I can of your ideas and requests.
Oh, and because I love giving gifts, I’ll be offering more gifties to everyone on my email list as I reach future milestones. The faster I get there, the faster you get more gifties. 🙂
Now I’m off to put in my 15 minutes today, even though it’s actually tomorrow. If you know what I mean.
Julie Shackson says
Happy nearly 100!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Julie! I’m at 103 now – Skaja Wills was the 100th subscriber. Yay Skaja! 🙂
I’ll share the exclusive First 100 Club art as soon as it’s done! 🙂