One from the archives! Originally published on December 1, 2011, this post is worthy of a revisit, and especially timely, in light of the re-opening (on January 20th!) of Your Big, Bold, Creative Life Academy! Enjoy. xo,Melissa
The mugger had a firm grip on my ankles.
“NO!” I screamed, flipping onto my right hip and yanking my left leg back. I kicked back out sharply while pulling up my right leg, smashing his hand in the process. “NO!”
I flipped to my other side and repeated the process, yanking and kicking and scraping, bicycling my legs as best I could with a 180 pound man hanging onto them.
In the background, I was aware of his partner looming, even bigger than my assailant, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
I kept yanking, kicking and scraping, yelling “NO!” with each movement, but my assailant was persistent. Every time I managed to scrape off his hand, he just grabbed on again.
It felt hopeless. My fear threatened to drown me. I heard my voice go shrill and wispy, and I felt my strength drain away…
The above scenario really happened, though thankfully, I was never in actual physical danger. My assailants were not real muggers — they were instructors for an IMPACT self-defense course — sometimes referred to as “model mugging” — covered head-to-toe in padded “armor,” including an enormous silver duct tape-padded helmet, making them look like some sort of life-sized alien Kewpie doll.
The year was 1998. I’d taken my first model mugging class from BAMM (Bay Area Model Mugging, now IMPACT Bay Area) the previous December and it had changed my life. The 25 hours of the class had whizzed by, yet my internal transformation had been so profound, at my “graduation” two weeks after the first class it felt as if was months, even years ago, when I first screwed up my courage to walk in the door.
Now I was back for more. I was eager to acquire as many “tools” in my self-defense arsenal as I could, so as soon as BAMM offered a class on multiple assailants, I signed up.
Inner Muggers
The middle session of every BAMM course always included what we called “custom fights.” Normally, the “muggers” would portray generic bad guys, but during a custom fight, each student got the opportunity to have the mugger be anyone she wanted. Some women re-enacted actual assaults from their past, and got to have them end in victory this time. Others had the muggers act out assailants in scenarios they were most afraid of.
We could also choose to have the muggers be our own “inner muggers”: the notions or beliefs we held that were doing us no good, the inner voices that told us lies about ourselves.
At that time in my life, I was really struggling with my identity as a Creative. I had a hunger to create, and I even had a fledgling business as a calligrapher and artist, but I didn’t quite believe this was… enough.
A few years before, looking for work with a nonprofit, when my mom suggested I check out a dance or art organization, I had actually sniffed at the idea. Women’s rights, children’s welfare, animal welfare, the environment — these I could see working for. But an arts agency? I just didn’t see it as worthy enough.
Those were the voices I now wanted to clear out of my head. I’d chosen a path as an Artist, and I wanted to own it. To fully embrace it. Until I could see the Way of the Artist as a valid and valuable one, I knew I’d stay stuck in a state of inner turmoil.
The Fight
For my custom fight in my BAMM class, I requested the muggers be that voice inside my head that said “being an artist is not valuable/worthy/important.” The male instructors convened in the corner to whisper their plan of attack before donning their massive silver helmets.
I stepped out onto the mat, heart pounding, mouth dry. The female instructor, going through the usual pre-fight drill, asked if I had any injuries, then turned to the muggers and called “Melissa’s ready!”
Two giant Kewpie dolls started circling, shouting “What the hell do you think you’re doing with your life?” And “You should be a doctor or a lawyer!” And “Why don’t you do something useful, like find the cure for cancer?”
Within seconds, I was sobbing. “Leave me alone!” I managed to spit out. “Being an artist is important! It IS valuable!”
And then one of them charged, and the fight was on.
I don’t remember the cheering of my classmates, or the directives called out by the female instructor — “Knee to the groin! Eye strike! Side thrust kick! On your side! On your SIDE!” All I remember is getting pulled to the ground, and fighting desperately to get that damn mugger off of me.
And that terrible feeling my my strength draining out of me.
Of all my BAMM fights — including my fights against “muggers” with guns and knives and baseball bats — that was the hardest one I ever had. Inner muggers, it turns out, are much more powerful than the external kind.
In fact, I was so distraught when the “muggers” eventually ran off, that the female instructor called one of them back for a postscript, so I could fight to a “knockout blow” and have the kinesthetic feeling of “yes, I WON.”
But I still didn’t feel like I’d won.
Perception vs. Reality
Later, over a potluck meal, we got to watch a video of our fights. I fully expected to see myself fade into a limp puddle in that video. Imagine my astonishment when, just at the moment when I remember my strength ebbing away, I saw myself kicking that mugger like a m*therf-cker!
My female instructor had assured me I was fighting strong. She’d looked astonished when I told her I thought I’d “lost” the fight. “Hmm…” she said. “Just wait til you watch the video.” It was only when I saw it on the tape that I realized I had more strength and endurance inside me than I’d known.
From Inner Mugger to Inner Transformation
I believe things began to shift from that moment on. I won’t say it was an overnight transformation, but little by little I reclaimed my creative passion as not just okay, but as ESSENTIAL.
Little by little, I deprogrammed myself of the belief that following my creative passions was somehow “less than” finding the cure for cancer. Or founding an orphanage. Or anything else that might be someone else’s wonderful and worthy Bliss, but not my own.
Now I know, deep to my core, that I was put on the planet to create, and to help other people with the same kind of creative hunger to liberate their own inner Creative.
Your Creative Expression Is a Divine Gift
Over a dozen years later, I’m as solid as granite on this fact: human beings are meant to express our creativity. It’s part of what makes us human, despite the very confused and mixed messages we get from our society at large around creativity, art and expression.
Your creative expression is a divine gift — a gift from the Divine.
You were born to create! And if you don’t allow yourself to do what you were born to do, you starve yourself and the world. The world needs our creativity — yours, mine, everyone else’s.
It sucks that we live in a time and place with such a confused notion about creative expression and drive. But hell, it’s where we are. So we’ve just got to join forces with other Creatives and make our own, damn revolution. 🙂
That’s why I started this blog. That’s why I created Your Big, Bold, Creative Life Academy, and all of my programs.
We Creatives need to realize that we are not alone. We need the company of others like us, to remind us, as often as necessary, that yes, we get to do this. Yes, this is important. Yes, it is essential that we make time and space to pursue our creative passions. Yes. Yes. YES!
It took being mugged (albeit thankfully in the safety of a class!) for me to start to get it. What will it take for you?
PS — I cannot recommend IMPACT self defense classes highly enough. Every woman and girl should have this opportunity to reprogram and get empowered. (Men too! They have classes for you guys also!) I’ve never been in a more healing, supportive environment. Do it.
PPS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
Kim says
Wow! Melissa, what a powerful post and amazing lesson. This year, I examined my inner critic, making a character out of him/her, and having conversations, being my normal, gentle self, saying “No, you’re not needed now.” But, sometimes you just need to get angry and fight. Thank you for this. Love the way you share your journey.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Kim. 🙂 I’m glad it spoke to you. I love your practice of characterizing your inner critic, and allowing yourself to be your normal, gentle self. I think being yourself with your inner critic is a good practice, whether it’s in “gentle” mode or getting angry and fighting like hell. Sometimes different tactics are needed at different times. 🙂
Belinda says
Melissa, What a powerful story and sharing of the “fight” to quieten, no, OVERCOME, those voices that negate what we REALLY want to do. The first step is noticing, but when those voices have us stalling for too long, then a more adamant stance is needed! 🙂 You sharing never fails to inspire me. Thank you. P.S. All these stories from your life would make a great creative “unblocker” book/workbook too.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Belinda! I’m so glad it inspired you. (And you must be psychic… I’m cooking on some books for 2012. :))
Lisa Pepper-Satkin, Therapeutic Life Coach says
I’m A BAMM graduate as well. I can’t wait to dig I and see what seeds were planted for me at that time! I love how you show up in my life:)
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Oh, that’s so cool, Lisa! I’d love to compare notes sometime! 😀
I love how I show up in your life, too. 🙂
Cyndi says
Love it! I can’t express enough how great an impact self-defense classes have had on my whole outlook about life. I’m really grateful that I was able to get my kids involved, too; empowerment is an amazing thing!
Thanks for being there, Melissa!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Yes! I often say that those BAMM classes were one of THE most transformative things I’ve ever done in my life. I wish ALL kids, women, people could get involved! So glad you got your kids into it, Cyndi! 🙂
1missbee says
Thank you so much Melissa for reinforcing the fact that we what artists do is very important! Every once in a great while I get into that down mode of what’s the the paintings or drawings I create really matter?…Yes YES! Yes they do..they have to ,right? It means a lot to me to paint them,they surely must mean something to somebody out there…
Thanks again!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
You’re so welcome, 1missbee! YES, what you do matters. The fact that it means a lot to YOU is HUGE — that’s enough, as far as I’m concerned, to make it worth doing. AND at the same time, we never know how what we do touches others. When we share our gifts, it DOES touch others, even when we don’t know how or whom.
I wish I’d had someone like me to explain this back when I was in that BAMM class… 😉
Jana Whitehead says
I’m shedding a tear or two after reading your post. It ‘hit’ home pretty hard. Working on convincing myself has been the most difficult life challenges. I am a creative, I know it. I have a gift, but so often I keep it to myself, or busy myself in the J.O.B. and avoid the artistic endeavors all together. After a horrible reaction to a Fluoroquinilone antibiotic, I have been on medical leave for 4 months. I have been forced to take a good look at myself and what I need to do differently in my life. Needless to day, finding this was very timely! Thank you for sharing!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Jana, you are not alone! It has been a huge challenge for me, too, and not something that has come easily at all. Sometimes it takes a major crisis to help us put things in perspective. I hope you’re able to use your gifts to fuel your own fire, and give your creative gifts back to the world — we need it. 🙂