If you’ve been following me for awhile, you may have noticed the big changes happening here on the Living A Creative Life site.
I do tend to dive right in the deep end, and now I realize it’s high time for an explanation. So let me back up and fill you in.
I started my blog to chart my journey to follow my evolving Bliss(es) and create the life I really, really wanted. At the World Domination Summit two weekends ago, more than one speaker talked about how human beings are hard-wired to want to be of service, and from the start of this journey my overarching goal has been to be of service to other people who want to follow their own evolving Bliss(es).
The best way for any of us to do that is to utilize not just our gifts, but our most precious gifts, (as Danielle LaPorte would call them). To hang out in our “genius zone” (as Laura Roeder would put it). As I’ve gotten more clear about what my most precious gifts and genius zone actually are, I’ve been focusing my writing and my offerings more clearly around those gifts.
I’ve always known that I need to create, and I’ve always felt called to help other people get creating too. Although the ways in which I do that are many and varied (me being a Multi-Passionate, after all!), those, in a nutshell, are my most precious gifts.
Another thing that Danielle LaPorte said at WDS is that we come to our edge either through a desire to be of service, or through a desire to self-express. Sitting in the audience, it occurred to me that when I’m at my best, everything I do springs from both desires merging into one.
The art that I create, I create from the desire to self-express, AND the desire to be of service – to inspire YOU to create.
When I sing a funny song I wrote, my desire is both to self-express, AND to be of service – to make you laugh, or think or feel more deeply.
When I write a blog post, I write from the desire to self-express, AND the desire to be of service – to make you smile, or think differently, or make a change in your life.
Although this journey has been ongoing (after all, I’ve been on it for as long as I’ve been alive), in the past couple of months I have gained clarity at a turbocharged pace. (Action Studio and WDS in 4 weeks will do that to a girl.) And ever the impatient-to-get-stuff-done type, I’ve made a mad dash to translate that internal clarity into my external world.
So I dove head first into the deep end (as I’m wont to do) and in one fell swoop I:
- changed the look and feel of my site
- changed the tagline
- changed my offerings
Whew! Only now, stopping to take a breath, do I realize that it would be have been awfully cool if I’d, oh, maybe asked your opinion on my tagline, for example!
Lesson learned. But let me ask you now: What do you like about the new site? And what would you like to see from me next?
I’m brewing some stuff up that I think you’ll like, but I want to hear from you: How can I best be of service?
That’s the question I’m asking myself, and it’s the question I’m asking you. I’d adore it if you’d share your responses below.
I think your tagline ROCKS! It sums up your mission and how it relates to us (those you want to help along). My vote says keep it.
What I like best about your new site is first and foremost, the content. The color palette and design are great as well, but frankly I don’t go back to sites just to enjoy the layout. So, for me, you have the perfect combination of eye candy and what I want–some depth and information that’s worth my time.
What I’d like to see next? Hmmm, I like the track you’ve been on. So I have nothing new for you on that point.
You’ve been quite the curator of excellent content thus far. Keep it up!
Thanks so much for your feedback, Chris! I’m glad the content is speaking to you, as that’s the most important part to me, too. 🙂 I’m really delighted to connect with you here!
I like your site. It’s easy to navigate and really works to showcase what you do. And the tagline really addresses me, or at least I feel like you mean me 🙂
What I think I would totally love from you, even if the idea is very specific, would be prompts for journaling or creating, like a set that contains songs, calligraphy, painting … and that I could use to do any kind of creative work.
Awesome, Miss P! I’m so glad it feels like my tagline means you, because it DOES mean you! 🙂
I love your idea of prompts, and something I’m working on right now will, in fact, include that element. Your comment has got my wheels spinning, though, so thank you for that!
your tag line works for me!
I’m trying (not very successfully) to picture the former layout…I’d like to see a colorful graphic in the upper right corner, maybe move your face to the right and fill up that space. Yeah, I know, lots of time I like space. Just my 2 cents, darlin’.
I like the fonts and spacing, it’s very readable. Keep on keepin’ on.
Hooray Tara! Glad it’s workin’ for ya! And thanks for your feedback — much appreciated, my dear. 🙂