Have you been making your way through the Day of Genius workbook? If you haven’t already downloaded parts 1, 2 and 3, go do that now.
Then come on back, because I have another one for you!
It has tickled me no end that the worksheets have been downloaded hundreds of times over the past few days (special thanks to Susannah Conway for including a link to the Life Balance Compass in this post.)
(And yet nary a comment on the posts with the most-downloaded worksheets — funny, no?)
Still, if the download numbers count for anything, apparently a lot of you are finding them useful — hooray!
To recap…
I’m co-producing a day-long virtual retreat, the Day of Genius on January 8, for which I’ll be presenting a seminar called Your Map to Happiness in 2012.
Being a Creative, who likes to make colorful messes and get her hands dirty, I’ve designed the seminar as a little bubble of creative time: we’ll get out the crayons, scissors and glue stick, and make a vision map — a colorful, intuitive kindergarten map of your dreams and visions and plans for 2012, to inspire you throughout the year.
But making a truly effective vision map requires a fair amount of advance work.
Who are you? What do you really want? What is the next step to getting there? What’s in your way?
Sometimes the real answers are not what we might see on the surface…
Hence the workbook, which I created for Day of Genius ticket-holders and decided to also share with you, my blog readers, as what my mom would call a “just ’cause I love you present.” 🙂
Stay open to epiphanies
Creating these worksheets — and working through them myself — has been part of my 2011 Annual Review (thanks to Chris Guillebeau for a large dose of Annual Review inspiration!)
As you play with the worksheets, stay open to insights, revelations and epiphanies.
Earlier this week, for example, I had the realization that, hey, I loveloveLOVE to teach — particularly in-person classes — and yet I haven’t taught an in-person class in a year!
The Mind Map to Happiness worksheet, along with today’s worksheet — Your Love & Time Inventory — helped remind me of my passion for teaching groups face-to-face, and ask myself what’s stopping me from doing it?
The answer: Mostly physical space. I can teach calligraphy around my dining room table (and have done many times), but what I most want to be teaching right now requires a lot more space. Space to move around, space to paint broad strokes and make big, colorful messes.
The worksheet helped me pinpoint tiny first steps I can take toward bringing teaching back into my life the way I most want it: I’ve started letting my friends, family and acquaintances know that I’m in search of the ideal workshop space, and and I’ve started identifying organizations to contact to see if they either rent space themselves, or know of someplace that does.
I’ve even opened up to the possibility of renting permanent space, something that seemed so impossible as to be ridiculous just last week. But which now feels almost obviously inevitable.
Perhaps not in 2012… but who knows?
These are the ways that big dreams and goals come to fruition: one tiny step at a time.
(Meanwhile, I’ve already got an in-person retreat on the calendar for next fall, one where we’ll get to move around and make big, colorful messes, but someone else is arranging that space, and it’s faaaaaaaar away, way too far for even the most die-hard commuter… But more on that another time…)
Your turn
Download Your Love & Time Inventory, print it out and spend 10 or 15 minutes with it. Then hop on over to the LACL Facebook page and share what you figured out!
Have fun!
REMINDER: You could win a ticket to the Day of Genius! Head over to Facebook and share your insights to any of the blog posts here that reference the Day of Genius, along with your reasons for wanting to attend, AND share and/or tweet the post, and you’ll be entered to win a full-day pass.
After the New Year, I and my panel of partial judges will pick one winner from among the commenters to join us for free. (Yes, commenting on/sharing of multiple posts will weigh heavily in your favor — we’re looking to add participants who really want to be there, so quality AND quantity will be taken into consideration.)
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
Laureen Marchand says
As the worksheets first came in, I opened each one enthusiastically. But this being the season of overcommitment and ensuing pooped-ness, I then closed each one without doing anything about it. Now your comment on comments has inspired me to take some time and actually do the work! It’s been a real eye-opener. Turns out that some of what I really love to do isn’t getting enough attention – but the big picture isn’t as out-of-focus as pooped-ness might have led me to believe. And you’ve helped me see that there are small things I can do that might make big change. Wow. And thanks.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
I hear you on overcommitment and pooped-ness! I’m so glad you were able to make the time for the worksheets, though, and that they were helpful! Hooray!!! 🙂
And thanks for your comment, Laureen. 🙂 xo