Over in the Creative Sandbox Community, my lab for women’s leadership through creative expression, the real power of what we do is in our members, who are leading full-color lives in all sorts of ways, and using their art to step into bigger visions for themselves in all areas of life and work.
I’m excited to shine a spotlight on our members here on the blog, with this feature series, “Walking the Creative Sandbox Way™.”
Huge thanks to our first member for stepping into the spotlight, Angi Orobko!
Who: Angi Orobko
Where we can learn more about Angi: HeartsThatCare.wordpress.com
How’d you find the Creative Sandbox Community?
I have been following Melissa since I learned about her and Living a Creative Life 15 Minutes-A-Day challenge from mutual friend (Luna Jaffe) back in 2011.
What do you most love to create?
A mess of bliss. I love it all, doodling, drawing, painting, photography, writing, music, dancing, teaching. One of my greatest joys is creating a spark of inspiration in others to create.
What’s your biggest gremlin?
Overwhelm. There is just so much to do that I get stuck at times. And, I have a tendency to over think outcomes, which is probably due to doubting my gifts and wanting everything to turn out perfectly. A part of me (the ego) would rather be silent than be wrong or do nothing if the end result is substandard or poor.
I have spent my life working through each of these issues by finding ways to empower myself. I am grateful to Melissa for being a part of my newfound confidence.
How do you spend your day?
Thinking (aka daydreaming), reading and writing, doodling or painting, repeat.
What’s the relationship between art + commerce in your life?
Lately I have grown comfortable with my relationship between my art and commerce. I have found outlets where I can sell my artwork and I feel comfortable putting a price tag on my creative expressions. I know that my art speaks to the hearts of my audience; and, they value and appreciate it probably more than I do.
I know I will soon be generating a comfortable income from it; but, in the meantime, I have been embracing and loving the process of creating.
Who most inspires you in your creative life?
First and foremost, God the ultimate creator is the source of my inspiration. And, He has put in my path some phenomenal people to support and guide me through my creative journey. People like my parents, my sister, my husband, Melissa Dinwiddie, Jill Badonsky, Andy Dooley, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), and so many more (too many to list).
What are you most excited about right now?
Helping others reclaim their power and creativity through teaching, writing (getting my book published), expressing myself visually, and growing my empowerment and creativity coaching practice.
What else would you like us to know about you?
While I have multiple degrees and credentials, I would like others to know my sincere desire to be of service to others.
I am a lifelong learner and teacher. Art and self-expression has been a part of my life ever since I could grab things as a baby, when my mother put a crayon in my hand. I danced. I swam. I played musical instruments. I sang. I acted. I daydreamed. I prayed and meditated. I read and I wrote. I observed and experimented. And, I still continue to do all these things and more.
Plus, I have learned to NEVER give up. I have a propensity to persevere.
What do you want to get from a community of peers?
From a community of peers I would like to feel included and valued. I would like friendship and camaraderie; as well as an even exchange of creative energy.
My bio:
I am an Empowerment and Creativity Coach with ARTbundance™ and Kaizen-Muse Creativity™ Coaching endorsements. My background is in education and I have a doctorate and education specialist degree from the George Washington University in Educational Administration and Leadership; a master of arts degree in teaching from Christopher Newport University; and a bachelor of science degree in biology from Virginia Commonwealth University.
I have illustrated a biology lab manual and a physiology textbook; I have taught gifted and talented students in the public schools of Virginia for 15 years; I have published articles, a thesis and a dissertation in the fields of science and education; and, more recently artwork in various books. I have over 30 paintings currently showing in a small venue in Newport News, Virginia until the end of March. I publish a weekly article on HeartsThatCare.wordpress.com
FYI: I have been in ten community theater productions (9 were musicals); I have played the violin, flute and piano. Yes, I was a “band geek.” I still enjoy playing the piano and flute.
Thank you, Angi, for sharing your story and experiences!
Find more amazing women like Angi inside the Creative Sandbox Community. We are women from a variety of backgrounds, linked by our desire for something more, our compassionate hearts, and a creative urge. We channel our collective energies into rocket fuel to propel us forward.
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
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