I had the great pleasure of interviewing Tara Mohr this morning, and I think you’ll enjoy our conversation. (20 minutes, 17 seconds.)
Some background:
A woman reserves the right to change her mind, and on Thursday, I changed mine.
After swearing I would not sign up for any new online courses, I handed over my credit card and registered for Tara Mohr’s Playing Big. (I was already proud to be an affiliate partner for the program, but now I’m a paid member, too!)
Have you ever noticed how making a commitment to something changes the energy around it? In a matter of seconds I went from “Ack! I don’t have time! I’m not ready! I don’t have the money! I’m fine without this!” to a sense of serene groundedness. An inner knowing that this is absolutely right for me, right now.
Combined with a fizzy excitement at the big, exciting move I’m making!
Watch the video above for my conversation with Tara about what it means to play big.
Hint: if you’re thinking playing big is just for celebrities, politicians, and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that’s not the kind of playing big we’re talking about. As Tara put it, she could have just as well titled her program Liberating Your Inner Creative Voice. Because in the end, it all comes down to the same thing.
If you want to hear more from Tara about the Playing Big program itself, click here to listen to an information call Tara hosted on Thursday (you’ll hear me asking the very first question, which is what helped me come to my final decision to sign up.) And click here to read all about Playing Big (and if you’re ready to take the plunge, join me in the course! As a thank you for buying through my link I’ll give you a 6-month membership in my Creative Ignition Club and ClutterBusters group. :))
Enjoy the video, and I’ll just leave you with…
A message from the Universe
Someone (I think it might have been Tara, originally..?) tweeted recently:
Dear Brilliant Woman:
I made you brilliant so you could heal the world. Please start playing bigger.
The Universe
Let me know your reactions!
Where have you installed your own “glass ceilings”? What if you played as big as you truly could? What kind of impact could you make?
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
The following is borrowed in whole from Jonathan Fields, because I think it’s brilliant and hilarious:
[FTC Disclosure – You should always assume that pretty much every link on this blog is an affiliate link and that if you click it, find something you like and buy it, I’m gonna make some serious money. Now, understand this, I’m not talking chump change, I’m talking huge windfall in commissions, bling up the wazoo and all sorts of other free stuff. I may even be given a mansion and a yacht, though honestly I’d settle most of the time for some organic dark chocolate and clean socks. Oh, and if I mention a book or some other product, just assume I got a review copy of it gratis and that me getting it has completely biased everything I say. Because, books are like a drug to me, put one in my hand and you own my ass. Ethics be damned! K, you’ve been warned. Huggies and butterflies. ]
I’m still waiting for my mansion and yacht. And bling, too, btw.
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