I have a special treat for you this week! Podcast listeners know that most of my episodes are monologues: me, and only me, talking about all kinds of things related to living a full-color creative life.
Occasionally, though, I bring on a guest. I ask lots of questions, of course, but I see these guest calls as conversations, as opposed to interviews — it’s about the ideas flowing back and forth between us.
Today I’m excited to share with you a three-way conversation that wasn’t originally supposed to be on the podcast.
One of the things I do in my Creative Sandbox membership community is bring special guests in to talk with the group in a live, video conference room. Creative Sandbox members can listen in live, ask questions and join the conversation. And of course I record these conversations and put them in a special archive in our membership site, so members who aren’t able to join us live can watch and listen to the entire thing after the fact.
Last week I brought in two guests, partners in work and life, Amy Tingle and Maya Stein, who run The Creativity Caravan. Our conversation was so rich that I asked Amy and Maya for their permission to share it on the podcast.
So not only do you get a three-way conversation this week, you also get a peek into one piece of the Creative Sandbox! 🙂
It’s a long one this week—an hour and 22 minutes—but the conversation kept Creative Sandbox members engaged for the entire time. Here are some of the things we talked about:
- People’s different palettes of expression.
- The epidemic of “I’m not creative.”
- The craziness of conflating creativity with drawing.
- Feedback allows you to take off your “hyper-critical gremlin glasses,” and see your work through someone else’s glasses.
- The importance of “reducing the real estate” (the size of your sketchbook, the word-count you shoot for, or the amount of time you commit each day).
- Amy and Maya’s big projects, including the Tiny Book Show, Type-Rider and Type-Rider II.
- Letting go of knowing what comes next, and allowing it to be revealed as you go.
- The challenge of never being able to express yourself perfectly, but trying to get as close as you can.
- How Amy and Maya curate an idea board, to create a map of their next adventure.
- The importance of finding the right form, or “container,” for your project, but form doesn’t determine whether something is art or not.
- How Maya’s childhood language-learning experience informed her relationship with words.
Three Books from the Tiny Book Show
Quotes from this Episode
On the common misconception that being artistic equates with drawing realistically: “It’s not about drawing, it’s about drawing out.” -Amy
“Just because we’ve had a lot of practice doesn’t mean that we aren’t frightened.” -Maya
“Probably 9 and 8/9ths out of 10, you’re going to get a positive response.” -Maya
“You can’t express yourself creatively without being vulnerable.” -Maya (Click to tweet!)
“I’m not trying to be anything, I’m just trying.” -Amy
“What’s happening now that feels like a ‘yes’? Because the yes is taking us places that we don’t know yet.” -Maya
“You just don’t know until you do, so you just keep doing what you know, until something is revealed to you.” -Maya
“It’s not going to be exact. I’m gonna try to get it as close as I can.” -Maya
“Spread the haha’s like the flu.” Quote from a book in #TheCreativityCaravan’s #TinyBookShow.
“Why do we do what we do? Why do we move towards the things that we love? I really believe it’s because we need help with them ourselves. We teach or we do what we need to learn.” -Maya (Click to tweet!)
Resources from this Episode
Maya’s 10-Line Tuesday poems
My post on the only difference between artists and everybody else
Find classes with Maya and Amy here.
Thanks for Listening!
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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Now go get creating!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
Awesome stuff! Keep on creating, and express the love of art. I know my life would be different without art, and music. “Just because we’ve had a lot of practice doesn’t mean that we aren’t frightened.” -Maya. This is so true!!
Thanks, Ronnie! 🙂
Thanks so much for posting this Melissa, it was wonderful to hear you and Maya and Amy talking, and it brought such good memories of camp back!!
Aw, thank YOU, Franky! 🙂