I came home from my week in the redwoods at Jazz Camp West, right on the heels of a week on the East Coast, at the Creative Problem Solving Institute, with a couple of days at Niagara on the Lake wrapping up a mastermind group I’ve been in since last Fall… and I promptly got sick.
I’ve been in bed for three days straight.
So today’s podcast is a short one. It’s something I shared over in my Creative Sandbox Way Readers & Doers Facebook group, and my Creative Sandbox Community Facebook group, and it got a lot of positive response. So I thought I’d share it on the podcast.
I was going to share the very first Listener Spotlight, but I’m saving that for next week.
(And if you want to be featured in a Listener Spotlight, just leave a rating and review over on iTunes, or the Apple Podcast app, and then email me the content of your review, and let me know specifically how Live Creative Now has made a difference in your life. That’s it!
If I pick you for a Listener Spotlight, we’ll have a relaxed, fun conversation, and the recording of our conversation will be part of a future episode!)
Meanwhile, on with today’s Reality of Summer Trips episode…
Home from Buffalo, While Packing for Jazz Camp
I wanted to write a short note, in between trips, to remind you that YES, the struggle is real (as Tracey Mahon Elliott would say. 😉 )
EVEN when you practice “Think tiny & daily.”
EVEN when you practice “There is no wrong.”
EVEN when you practice “Think process, not product.”
I was off in Buffalo at a creativity conference, where my days were programmed from 8am til late-late at night.
Then I spent 2 days with my mastermind coach and co-mastermind buddy in Niagara on the Lake.
Then in transit back home to the West Coast (always discombobulating).
Then scrambling to catch up with urgent matters and PACK, to head into the woods for Jazz Camp West, where I will once again be programmed from 8am til late-late at night, for 8 days.
And guess what? Because my regular routine has fallen off a cliff, I have NOT been doing my morning doodles.
EVEN THOUGH it would seem to be simple enough to take 2 minutes and doodle on the freakin’ back of an envelope, right?
EVEN THOUGH I was a captive audience on an airplane for hours on end, where you would think I could have doodled for at least 2 minutes, right?
Well, wrong.
So I have a couple of options.
I could beat myself up. Moan about what a loser I am, and what a terrible model I am to my readers and followers.
Which would accomplish exactly NOTHING useful.
Or I could acknowledge that sometimes this happens.
Stumbling like this is NOT an excuse to beat myself up. No.
Remember: Self-awareness + self-compassion = the key to everything good.
And the first piece of that GOLDEN FORMULA is noticing.
How does it FEEL when I go for days without creating something playful and art-like?
Not very good, in fact.
Ah, good data, that!
NOW I can use that data to respond with self-compassion!!
NOW I can remind myself that I am HUMAN, and I get to FORGIVE myself for being human (rather than super-human).
I get to treat myself gently, and with great love, like a beloved little child.
Sometimes life throws us days and weeks of crazy programming, and instead of responding in a way that we’re proud of, we stumble.
Does this make us terrible people?
Um, no. This makes us HUMAN.
But NOTICING how it makes me FEEL when I drop the ball on my creative sandbox playtime can help me make better choices (hopefully!) going forward.
So now, as I madly cram to tie up loose ends, finish deadlines, and PACK to go to Jazz Camp West early tomorrow morning, where I will be scheduled UP THE WAZOO, I can make a choice.
The next 8 days will be DEDICATED to creative play.
I will be taking a DANCE CLASS, and MUSIC CLASSES every single day.
It’s probably okay if I don’t draw with a pen, because my need to fill my well with creative playtime is being satisfied elsewhere.
I can absolve myself, in advance, from a sense of (false) guilt if I don’t doodle at camp this coming week! 🙂
And I can forgive myself for this past week, because I’m human. And I get to be human.
And so do you. 🙂
Enjoy the rest of June, and practice self-forgiveness and play while you’re at it.
Something Cool
Contigo Autoseal stainless steel insulated travel mug
Finally! An insulated travel mug that really, truly, does not leak! You can lock it and toss it in your bag without fear of drowning your stuff in tea or coffee.
The only problem with this mug, honestly, is that it insulates so well, you have to be careful not to burn yourself. Seriously, you might want to pop an ice cube in.
Or, be a little weird, like me, and brew three mugs of tea at the same time. By the time I’ve drunk my other two mugs, the tea in my Contigo mug is the perfect temperature.
Also mentioned, my favorite teas:
Good Earth Organic Sweet & Spicy Herbal Caffeine Free
Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat
Yogi Tea Green Tea Super Antioxidant
Listeners Wanted!
Has the Live Creative Now podcast made a difference in your life? Would you like to be featured on the podcast?
I want to start sharing listener stories, so if you have a story of how listening to the podcast has changed your life for the better in some way — big or small — I want to feature you in a Listener Spotlight.
Here’s how it works:
1. Just log into iTunes and leave a rating and review. (If you don’t know how to do that, you’ll find step-by-step instructions at livecreativenow.com/itunes-review).
2. Then copy and paste what you wrote in your review into an email, and send it to me, along with why you want to be featured in a Listener Spotlight. How has Live Creative Now made a difference in your life? You can email me at livecreativenow.com/contact.
That’s it!
If I pick you for a Listener Spotlight, we’ll have a relaxed, fun conversation, and the recording of our conversation will be part of a future episode! How cool is that?
Want a creative kick start?
Check out my book!
What would change for you if you could totally revel in the joy of creating? You CAN, with The Creative Sandbox Way!
You’ll learn:
- Melissa’s 10 fool-proof guideposts that have helped thousands get joyfully creating.
- 5 reasons why creative play is good for you, AND for the world (it’s neuroscience, baby!)
- Why “I’m not creative” is always a lie, and how to bust it.
- How to turn creative blocks into friends.
AND you’ll get creating right in the book itself.
“It’s one part field guide, one part creative practice—and I loved it. The Creative Sandbox Way is an adventure packaged as a book.”
~Chris Guillebeau
NYT best-selling author of The Happiness of Pursuit and The $100 Startup
Hear ye, hear ye! This is to serve as official notice that all links to anything for sale, be it books or courses, are likely to be affiliate links. What this means is that if you click through said links and make a purchase, although it won’t affect the price that you pay, a few coins will jangle into my coffers, enabling me to buy a packet of hard gluten-free biscuits to feed myself and my husband for another day, or perhaps a pen with which to create some artwork. Or perhaps they will contribute toward paying a fraction of my web hosting bill, so that this blog and podcast can continue to exist. Thank you kindly for your attention.
Thanks for Listening!
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.
Also, please leave an honest review for Live Creative Now on Tunes!
If you’d also like your voice to be heard on the show, leave your question as a voice message right here.
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Now go get creating!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
Thanks for your honest and heartfelt podcast, Melissa! I too had a crazy busy June, with 3 out-of-town conventions, prep in between, and a couple of commercial assignments. Just bananas! So when it was time to rush off on vacation a couple of days after getting back from a convention, and I had a meltdown with my wife over finding a parking spot (which was super hard to bounce back from for the rest of the day), I had to surrender to the idea that “I’m only human”. It was hard to forgive myself, easier to ask everyone around me to forgive me. Knowing that I’m not alone in my wigged-out reaction to stress, and that part of the process is just realizing that “the struggle is real”, helps me treat myself with self-compassion. So, amen, sister! (I’ve taken a few days to treat myself gently, relax after the vacation, and now I’m ready to enter the studio again.)
Thanks, Marci. Those meltdowns are a good indicator, aren’t they. I’m so glad to hear you’ve taken a few days to treat yourself gently and relax. 🙂