Detail from a sketchnote-in-progress I’m making of an article in Harvard Business Review on “Better Brainstorming.” I liked it so much, I wanted to capture it in a visual note! I’ll share the finished product on my blog, and a summary of the process on my podcast.
What people may not understand is that making visual notes and LIVE capture are separate skills. I could make visual notes all day long, but it might take me HOURS! In a live capture situation, you don’t HAVE hours—you have RIGHT NOW to get what was said the moment before down on paper, while still listening for what is being said RIGHT NOW.
It goes way beyond drawing and writing neatly. The ability to listen and process information, and RETAIN that information while processing the information stream that’s continuing to flow—that is ninja skill stuff!
Right now I’m giving myself permission to practice ANY skill in the skill set (layout, drawing, lettering, listening, retention… etc. etc. etc.) In a live facilitation, you’re doing the equivalent of juggling 5 balls at once, but before you can juggle 5 balls, you have to learn to toss and catch ONE ball successfully!
Drawing sketchnotes like this—which I penciled in first and have spent hours on, rather than improvising in a live setting—is all part of the process. I’m practicing layout/composition; contrast; lettering; drawing; shading… A plethora of skills! Just not the skills associated with live capture.
All in good time.
#sketchnote #sketchnotes #workinprogress #wip #hbr #harvardbusinessreview #visualnotes #visualcommunication #visualpractice #pigmamicron #neulandmarkers #originalart #graphicfacilitation
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