August #creativesandboxchallenge day 3: beanstalk. Inside the #creativesandboxcommunity we are doing Creative Sandbox 101 this week — the eCourse that was the precursor to my book, The Creative Sandbox Way™. Today is all about Guidepost #6: Ask, “What if…?”, so today’s prompt, with its connotations of fairytales, is so appropriate! 🖍
Member designed this month’s challenge, so thoughtfully and beautifully. And yesterday on our first Rally Call of the month, another member who designs and hosts a lot of the monthly challenges, @doc_angi, and I were brainstorming ideas for the September challenge. 🖍
Members take the initiative inside the Creative Sandbox Community. If they have an idea, they get to run with it, because it is everyone’s community! 😊 I love the spirit of collaboration inside the Sandbox, and I’m always so excited to see what we’ll create next!
#doodle #dailydoodle #doodleart #imperfectaugust #dailycreative #tinyart #originalart #visualthinking #visualcommunication #beanstalk #neulandmarker #pigmamicron
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