Another 15 minutes and a few more inches of doodleart.
This is a page I started weeks back and didn’t like at all. Rather than give up on it, I decided to start adding—no expectations, pure improvisation and “What would happen if..?”, crap 100% allowed, in full Creative Sandbox mode. Damned if I’m not starting to like the thing more!
This is so often what happens. When we release expectations, it opens us up to see what’s there, rather than only seeing what isn’t there, how it doesn’t match up.
This is also the space where your authentic voice gets to emerge and flourish.
The harder you pound away trying to find it, the more it hides. Your authentic voice is shy. It comes out when you’re NOT looking for it, when your attention is focused on “What if..?” and following your curiosity. When the ego drops away and you’re simply in the moment. That’s when your true voice creeps out, tiptoes over to you and twines around your ankle.
You don’t find your true voice; when you stop trying so hard, it finds you.
#workinprogress #originalart #organicart #intuitiveart #creativesandbox #pigmamicron #pittartistpen #blackandwhite #doodleart #abstractart #makestuff #goplay #gogetcreating
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