Okay, I’m gonna be brave and let myself be SUPER VULNERABLE here. Inside my #creativesandboxcommunity we started our first ever creative challenge, the Half-of-March challenge, hosted by @carla.la.la.olson, and the day 1 prompt is “lioness.” (Check our Carla’s day 1 effort—it’s gorgeous!) I wasn’t planning on participating. AT ALL!
After all, I’m creating like mad these days! I’m a woman obsessed, can’t wait to get my hands on my markers each day! What do I need daily prompts to get me going for?
But then I realized that this is the PERFECT opportunity to expand my visual vocabulary!!! No, I don’t need prompts to get started, but shoot, I don’t know how to draw most of the items on Carla’s list!
Can you say “paradigm shift”? So I set the intention to take ten minutes this morning to figure out (with Google’s help) how to *quickly*, in as few strokes as possible, get across the idea, “lioness.” Hmmm… This is not easy, peeps!
I was NOT going to share this, but Carla’s post reminded me that the challenge is all about letting ourselves be vulnerable and brave.
This is where I am right now on my drawing journey. I get to accept that and embrace it. I don’t need to hide from it!
Bring it on, baby! Tomorrow is another prompt, and I’m ready!
#creativesandboxchallenge #doodle #originalart #imperfectionism #selfcompassion #marchsandboxchallenge
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