May 7 is National Barrier Awareness Day, so I did a Google search in order to draw a wheelchair, and discovered that the icons for disabled access have gone through a big transformation recently. The newer icons show more active, capable humans; the older icons show more passive, dependent humans. The way we depict people plays a powerful role in how we see them, and how they see themselves. 🖍
When these things don’t impact us directly, we tend not to even notice them. But now the light has been turned on, I cannot un-see it. Those old, passive icons make me ANGRY! And having hobbled around on crutches for several weeks after foot surgery and knee surgery, I’ve learned to appreciate barriers in a way I didn’t before. It’s all about EMPATHY—being able to experience the world through someone else’s eyes for a moment. To feel even just a taste of what it’s like for them.
Empathy and compassion. We could use some more of this, please.
#tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #doodleart #dailydoodle #visualthinking #visualcommunication #barrierawarenessday #originalart #doodleicons
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