Fifteen minutes with my Pigma Micron 005 translates to a few more inches of micro “mosaics.” Most of those little “tiles” are ⅛” or smaller. Tiny.
If I look at all the inches left to do (probably about 5″x7″ of total area left), it feels like a daunting task. Maybe five to seven more fifteen minute dives.
Not that long in the scheme of things, but given that I rarely take more than 15-20 minutes in the morning to draw, plus the fact that my hand seized up if I go any longer than that anyway, a week is probably a realistic estimate.
This is the place where it would be very easy to just give up. And oh, there have been many projects when I’ve been sorely tempted!
But the sense of achievement when I complete something is a big motivator. And if I’ve set things up from the start to keep me always at least somewhat in that improvisational state of “what will happen next?”—which I’ve done here—it keeps my interest.
As long as there’s an element of discovery, even a tiny one embedded in a larger patter, my creative hunger is satisfied.
I think I could say this about life in general. And about any specific thing, really.
Without some element of discovery, repetition bores me to tears.
You may be very different. Maybe you love nothing more than to repeat the same thing, in exactly the same way, over and over.
Whatever floats your boat is great!
The important thing is to know what it is, and how to generate more of it.
This is why self-awareness is so important. The better you know yourself—your likes and dislikes, what works for you and what doesn’t—the better able you’ll be to craft the life you want.
I know life goes better when I create daily, even if it’s just fifteen minutes. So that’s what I do.
What about you?
#workinprogress #doodleart #closeup #originalart #abstractart #blackandwhite #creativesandbox #philosophical #doodlewithdinwiddie #goplay #pigmamicron #gogetcreating
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