Detail shot, after adding some of those distinguished grey whiskers I so love in the beard of that man of mine. 😊
I still kind of can’t believe I even attempted to draw a *portrait*! Yet it’s not the first one in my Paris/Basel travel journal. How did I brave such a task? By planting myself firmly inside the Creative Sandbox, where it’s all about PLAY! Where there is no wrong (Guidepost #1, in case you haven’t read my book, The Creative Sandbox Way™), where we think process, not product (Guidepost #2). Where we dismiss all gremlins (Guidepost #8) and treat ourselves with compassion (Guidepost #10). 🖍
At Creative Sandbox Retreat, we practice all of the Guideposts, and more. And we laugh a TON while we’re doing it. 😊 We celebrate “mistakes” and “failures,” and talk about jumping on the “crap wagon.” (Because we all know we need to let ourselves make crap in order to improve! We need the crap to fertilize the good stuff!)
Really, the only bad part about Creative Sandbox Retreat is having to leave. 😞
The next *scheduled* Creative Sandbox Retreat is September 11-15, 2019… BUT you can come to a half-day Playday to get a little taste in the meantime (October 14 and November 25 are the next Creative Sandbox Playdays—click the link in my profile, or go to for more info) plus you may not have to wait a full year to get in on the five-day retreat action. Plans are in the works for a Winter Creative Sandbox Retreat! Stay tuned and sign up on my mailing list to get notified! 😊
#creativesandboxretreat #creativesandbox #traveljournal #artjournal #sketchbookjournal #sketchnotes #sketchnotearmy #originalart #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #originalart #doodle #moleskine #watercolor #watercolorjournal #imperfectionism
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