Get a 7-second dash of inspiration (almost) every day!
“I absolutely love your daily butt-kicking inspiration. It really pushes my creative button — makes my socks roll up & down!
In April 2011, 2 1/2 months into my 15 Minutes-a-Day commitment to making art, I launched a newsletter to share what I’ve been making. My not-quite–daily ArtSpark newsletter delivers art from my daily Creative Sandbox time right to your inbox.
NOTE: the emails won’t necessarily be daily, but they will showcase the art I make in my daily artspark sessions. I’ll never send more than one ArtSpark email per day. And of course it goes without saying that I’ll never share your email. Period.
Want in? Just sign up using the form below.
PS – To ALSO get my blog dispatches, instead of using the form below, sign up in the form at the right. Get on both lists with one click! And that way you can choose between the (almost) DAILY edition of the ArtSpark, or the FRIDAY-ONLY edition. Cool, huh?
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