Working on a new #alteredbook #whiteoutpoetry #bookpagepoetry spread: better circumstances are within reach no kidding.
First layer: Daniel Smith #watercolorground
Now to wait for it to dry… #originalart #workinprogress #wip #blackoutpoetry
Working on a new #alteredbook #whiteoutpoetry #bookpagepoetry spread: better circumstances are within reach no kidding.
First layer: Daniel Smith #watercolorground
Now to wait for it to dry… #originalart #workinprogress #wip #blackoutpoetry
Three page spreads from #roundrobin #bookart project I’m doing with members of my #creativesandbox community, heading off to the next collaborator!
Some of the spreads are for individual use only; others are shared with one other collaborator; and the last spread in the book is a free-for-all for everyone to contribute to. 🙂 #workinprogress #wip #originalart #mixedmedia #collage #watercolor #intuitiveart
Detail: “desire will make you honest and attractive.” #alteredbook #bookpagepoetry #whiteoutpoetry #workinprogress #wip #originalart #mixedmedia #creativesandbox
Detail: “a few mistakes are the surest way to improving.” #alteredbook #bookpagepoetry #whiteoutpoetry #workinprogress #wip #mixedmedia #creativesandbox #originalart
Detail shot of #bookart #roundrobin #workinprogress
#originalart #creativesandbox #mixedmedia #collaboration #brayer #collage
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