I just sent this out as an email to my TAP advance notice list, so if you’ve seen it already, my apologies for the repeat.
Remind me next time I even *think* of launching something that everything takes at least TWICE as long as you think it will.
That, and technology ALWAYS conspires to make your life miserable and give you migraines.
It’s a law of nature, I think, kind of like gravity.
Anyway, as you might have gathered, the Thriving Artists Project relaunch is, er, experiencing some delays.
Which means that I won’t be starting the pre-sale until SUNDAY (assuming the technology gods are smiling — cross your fingers).
I know Sunday is a sucky day to hold a sale on the computer, but you’ll have until I open the doors to the public on Tuesday to get in on it, so no excuses.
Though I’ll give you a little heads up: the first few buyers will get a special bonus that will NOT be available to anyone else, so you might want to be near your computer on Sunday. Just sayin’…
All of this also means that the contests are still going on, so you still have time to win.
Yep, my launch pain means you just got yourself another couple of days to tweet, email, blog post and comment your way to WINNING.
See this post for all the details.
Now I’m going to bed so I can get up and tackle the technology gremlins again tomorrow.
PS – Thank you to everyone who commented on the post so far! You’re all going to get a special prezzie just for commenting, even if you don’t win (but shhhhhhh… don’t tell anyone!)
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