Do you juggle multiple creative interests?
We Passion Pluralites have to do a lot of ongoing tweaking and tuning to get the balance just right among our various pursuits. And of course this is complicated by the fact that what constitutes balance is always changing!
Case in point: the past two weeks.
Turns out that my initial impetus for starting my ArtSpark newsletter (ie, to make sure I actually get creating!) was pretty damn smart. While the ArtSpark has been on vacation for a couple of weeks, it has been all-too easy to let my Creative Sandbox time slide.
We Creatives must be vigilant!
The truth is, Resistance will creep in like ants on a rainy day. We cannot let our guard down for a second!
Fellow Passion Pluralites need to be on guard, especially, for internal voices that say things like “Oh, it’s okay that you’re not doing [Bliss #1], because you’re focusing on [Bliss #2] right now!”
Sometimes this is, indeed, a very valid reason. But not always.
What does your gut say? Keep checking in. And checking in. Because what feels Right and Good and On Target For Overall Happiness one day may feel like an ever-weakening excuse the next.
Be realistic. But be honest, too.
The truth is, as a Passion Pluralite, you can’t do everything all the time. Nor should you even try. That’s what the Stovetop Method of Life Design is all about — helping you stay sane, while making sure all of your passions and interests get the attention they deserve.
When I decided to send the ArtSpark on a vacation, my gut told me it was the right thing. I needed to put writing my e-book on the front burner, and honestly, I was a little burned out on the art I was making. All the scanning and image processing to make each newsletter is hella time-consuming, plus a bit of a break felt right.
But although I never intended to stop making art, that’s kinda what happened.
No deadline (ie, no daily ArtSpark to load up and send) = no accountability = not nearly as much art-making as I would like.
Did somebody mention that if you can’t find 15 minutes a day for your creative passion you’re just making an excuse?
So. Time to regroup.
Gut check
Me: Hey, Gut, you there?
Gut: Yep.
Me: So, um, I’m kinda wondering if maybe I’m using this e-book as an excuse to not make art. ‘Cause maybe it’s getting a little hard. And maybe I’m avoiding it. What do you think?
Gut: Um, yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna check in with me on that. Let’s just say, “if you have to ask..”
Yeah, okay, I got the message.
Clearly the ArtSpark needed to come back from vacation. But 5 newsletters a week is just a LOT. And with so many other projects cooking right now, is that the best use of my time?
Time for a tweak.
Honestly, I want to make art every day. I like the way I feel when I play in the Creative Sandbox every day. I also like building up my body of work by at least 5 pieces a week, and I’m more than a little nervous that without a daily ArtSpark deadline I simply won’t make as much art.
On the other hand, I need to be vigilant about making time for writing, too, and my days are already pretty packed.
So we’re gonna try splitting the difference.
Starting this Friday, the ArtSpark returns from vacation, but on a half-time schedule of 2-3x/week. We’ll see how that goes, and then the ol’ Gut and I will reconvene.
And you?
Where have you let things slide? What excuses have you been using to avoid pursuing your passion? What tweaks do you need to make in order to get creating and best feed your soul?
And more importantly, when are you going to make them?
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
geneviève says
THanks for the gentle nudge/reminder. Running a small business and balancing marriage and family time seems to come before my creative pursuits. . .haven’t practiced or played piano in over two weeks- and have a list of convincing reasons. And, several students and colloagues asked me “why aren’t you posting on your blog anymore?” Hmmmm, how to fit it all in? Tweaking, great reminder- constantly seeking best balance-
but there’s the question isn’t it? What’s the best for me? Love your posts! Geneviève
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Geneviève! The challenge, of course, is that the list of convincing reasons is long, and never-ending. Every single day we have a choice — do I spend even just a little time, even just 15 minutes, on something that makes me feel alive? If we don’t actively say YES, the answer will always be no.
Here’s to actively saying YES! 🙂