I’ve got two treats from the virtual chocolate box for you today.
First, some fun news: I’m presenting at a Pleasure Party!
22 teachers presenting on pleasure over a 7-day period, and it’s totally free. Click here to register, and to see my workshop, Creative Pleasure RULES: 3 Steps for Bringing More Creative Joy Into Your Life (which is live TODAY!)
(Those links, btw, are affiliate links. The Pleasure Party itself is free, but there will be an option to buy some pretty cool Pleasure Packages at the end of it, and if you do buy something, I’ll get a commission. It’s not going to buy me that Mercedes I have my eye on, or that round-the-world cruise, but it could send a few pennies my way, and I wanted to make sure you knew that. Transparency and all that.)
And second, a little Valentine’s Day treat.
Ah, Valentine’s Day. People seem to either love it or hate it.
Until recently, I was definitely in the latter camp. A “holiday” with no real purpose (it seemed to me) other than to give the candy, card and flower vendors a reason to jack up their prices, I thought of Valentine’s Day less as a red letter day and more as National Make Single People Feel Bad Day. (Watch the video to the end for this reference to become clear.)
(I’ve since been strongly corrected by many married friends that it can also be National Make Married (or Coupled) People Feel Bad Day, too. Indeed.)
More recently, though, Valentine’s Day has come to take on added, and very positive meaning for me. Ironically enough, and very unintentionally, it has become my anniversary — not of a wedding, or even a first date, but the day that my sweetie and I count as the start of our “official” relationship.
I had planned to write a new post for today, a Valentine for my sweetie. However, in the spirit of upping my peacefulness quotient, and to make space for the surprise anniversary treat that he’s whisking me away to at 5pm today, I am instead just writing this short preamble as a way to introduce you to this post from “the chocolate box” (ie, the archives).
It remains one of my all-time favorites. It’s called
Click through, read, and enjoy. (And don’t forget to check out my Pleasure Party workshop too — it’s only 13 minutes long, and you’ll get all the other workshops too, all for free.)
Happy Valentine’s Day.
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
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