So how’m I doing in my quest to re-invent my life, follow my evolving Blisses and create the life I really, really want?
You know that Looney Toons character the Tasmanian Devil? The one who spins around like a tornado, kicking up dust and generally driving everyone crazy?
I kinda feel like him right now.
Except that I’ve barely moved a muscle all week, being camped out in a computer chair in front of a monitor nearly 24/7.
Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration, but only slightly.
The truth is, I’ve been working like mad to get the Thriving Artists Project ready for pre-launch/soft launch/whatever this coming week, and it’s a bit of a Herculean task.
(If anything can be called a “bit” of a Herculean task. That’s a bit of a paradox, to say the least. But that’s what happens when I’m seriously sleep-deprived.)
There’s a ton to do, it turns out, to create a membership site. (And of course, because it involves technology, that means bugs, along with the inevitable tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth.) And that’s in addition to creating the obvious content. Of which there is a lot to edit, and a lot more to still create.
But this week I went into Tasmanian Devil mode. I threw up a website on who-can-remember which day, tweaked it over the next X days (if it’s Tuesday it must be Belgium), and made some banner graphics for my affiliates to use down the road (you can see one in the sidebar to the right). I made a promo video yesterday (which came out kinda cool, if I do say so myself – watch it here on the home page), and spent the rest of yesterday and today wrangling with web code and the membership site plugin.
I can feel myself spreading into the internet-geek version of the Couch Potato: the Computer Chair Potato. Obsession will do that.
But it’s gradually coming together. And just the other day I realized that my original goal – back in May or April, or whenever I first dreamed up the concept for the Thriving Artists Project – was to ship around Thanksgiving.
Well I’ll be!
I’d long ago given up on that Thanksgiving-ish goal, but thanks to LaVonne Ellis‘s Customer Love challenge, and a butt-kicking free consult with Lee Stranahan, I revved up to make it happen. And I think I’m gonna make it.
I’m exhausted. Cranky from fighting software bugs. (And from gaining weight, vain creature that I am.) Achey from the knee surgery. Blurry-eyed. Underslept from the excruciating pain that most fascinatingly continues to wake me up in the middle of the night, even though the pain is actually pretty mild during the days.
And yet, I’m incredibly happy.
I love this!
I love charging forward with a project.
I love being excited about something, and the vigorous onslaught of ideas that always brings on.
I love using my creativity in a zillion different ways – both artistic and technical – to make this thing come together.
I love feeling that I’m creating something of value that will really help and inspire people to live their dreams.
I love feeling the energy snowball as more people are signing up to get in on the pre-launch (or soft launch, or whatever). (Yesterday someone emailed to say she wants to buy 3 memberships – for her, her 17-year old stepdaughter, and a friend – and she wants coaching for her and her stepdaughter.)
I love the hope I feel that this crazy dream to sell a “digital product” might actually come true. (Never give up on your dreams, people. If you dream it, you can do it.)
I’m in my element, really. (Though I sure would love a bit more sleep. Okay, a lot more sleep.)
The Quest for Balance
I see my life as an ever-elusive quest for balance, but one thing I’ve learned is that part of a balanced life is periods of extreme imbalance. This seems to be part of my personal way of being as well.
Not always easy, but I’m okay with that.
Right now, it’s All-Thriving-Artists-Project-All-The-Time around here, but by the end of the week the energy will have shifted, and I’ll be able to get back to equilibrium (and hopefully sleep) for awhile.
Until the next flight of fancy grabs me by the collar.
I can’t wait!
If you’re interested in the Thriving Artists Project, you’ll want to sign up on the Ground Floor Inner Circle advance notice list ASAP. Only subscribers to that list will have access to the course when the doors open later this week, and it won’t be available again until sometime next year… for a much higher price. You can also enter win the Thriving Artists Project – read details here.
Monette Satterfield says
Great Project! Your excitement is palpable -I know it’s going to be great.
You’re so right that creative types get the wrong message about being successful and I’m glad to see your efforts to adjust that mindset.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Thanks Monette! I’m on a mission, and it is very exciting. 🙂