So how’m I doing in my quest to re-invent my life, follow my evolving Blisses and create the life I really, really want?
Vacation? What’s that?
Apparently I had a mini-one last weekend, but also apparently the effects didn’t last long, because it was only when I glanced at last week’s review that I even remembered I’d had a mini vacation!
This Building-An-Internet-Empire thing is definitely not for sissies.
A comment from aerialista and Thriving Artists Project member Nicole just today on my very first post here on Living A Creative Life asked:
How have you been doing with the one piece of art per week?
That being the commitment I made in said post, back on March 22, 2010, to create a new piece of art for myself every week.
The truth is, I made the conscious decision to let that commitment slide while I get the Thriving Artists Project and 365 Days of Genius launched. Building an internet empire that will sustain me financially and creatively while making a difference for others is at the top of my priority list right now, even above making art.
In fact, as I said when Fawn asked whether my big projects are going to keep me from making my art, right now, this is my art.
I’ll admit though, while this is okay for the next few weeks, it is definitely not going to fly in the long run. My fingers are itching to get dirty with paint again.
So that’s the challenging stuff that’s coming up this week: over-busy-ness, massive deadlines to get my stuff launched, not enough time to do everything that needs doing, and definitely not time for other stuff that I really want to do. (Though I’m still managing a little uke time just about every day, and even debuted my ukulele version of All Of Me at last night’s solstice party. And yes, dear reader, I’ll make a YouTube video of it just for you sometime, though I’m not sure when…)
Thank goodness for my doctor-prescribed 90 minutes/day of exercycling, and the “immobile mobile office” set up downstairs with my parents’ exercycle and my Gentleman Friend’s PC laptop. Otherwise my butt would probably be permanently welded to my computer chair and morphing into computer chair potato-butt.
And here’s the thing: despite all the overwhelm and lack of time for anything but launch-related stuff, I’m loving my life!
I’m so grateful to Nicole for commenting on that very first post today, because although it stung a bit to see where I’ve fallen down on my commitments, it made me swell with pride to notice how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished in the past 9 months.
I remember only too well the feeling of being where I was back on March 22nd. An online course, a community of blog readers and course members — these were the stuff of dreams and fantasies.
Now it’s almost December 22nd and just like the Velveteen Rabbit, I’ve made the dreams real.
And we’re still at the start. 2011 looks to be an exciting ride!
Onward ho!
PS – If you’re interested in getting in on the Thriving Artists Project when I open the doors again (very soon), you definitely want to sign up on the Advance Notice list, because before I open the doors to the public I’ll be giving my Advance Notice peeps first dibs and discount pricing. Just sayin’…
Sign up right here (or on the Thriving Artists Project website) if you’re even the tiniest bit interested:
Gosh, that sounds exactly like my life. Over-scheduled, not enough time for everything that needs doing, and absolutely no time at all for the stuff I want to create. But, just as you, I am loving my life, because I’m in charge of it, and I’m guessing that this is what drives you as well.
Congrats on all you’ve accomplished already, and all the best to you and your projects for the coming year.
You’re right, Sylvia – being in charge makes a huge difference. But I’ve run my own business for over a decade, and never been this happy before. The critical element was making the decision to create the life I really, really want. With that as my guiding light, life just got sooooo much better. 🙂
Oh dear, not a PC laptop 😛
Just kidding, but we were in the Apple store a couple of weeks ago. The new Macbook Airs are beautiful! I want one.
How long now until you are fully rehabilitated?
Can’t wait to see what you come out with in 2011 🙂
Yeah, I know, right? (Just kidding. But seriously, when you’re used to a 24″ iMac, a PC just feels… clunky. Esp. with a 10.5″ screen! I am SO loving the 17″ laptop screen after that!)
Yeah, me too! 😉
….”right now, this is my art”….
This is exactly what you talked about in the interview with John T Unger and one of the reasons I enjoyed that so much.
Congratulations on making your dreams “real”. You are an inspiration.
Aw, thanks Dianne! “My work here is done.” 😉
(So TOTALLY not true, but it’s fun to say.)
So glad you enjoyed the interview with John! He is a firecracker, isn’t he?
Melissa, All I can say is, yay! and you go, Girl! It’s good to see someone leading the life they really want. I’m excited to see more of what you do in the coming year. cheers, mari
Thanks Mari! At this point, if I could get enough sleep, life would be just about perfect. 😉