So how’m I doing in my quest to re-invent my life, follow my evolving Blisses and create the life I really, really want?
On the plus side, this was the week when I got back to my daily art-making practice. (I challenge you to do the same, just for this month, with my 15 minute-a-day creative challenge.) Life is just so much better when I’m making art daily.
Do I like the art I’m making?
Not always. Honestly, it feels a lot like I’m in kindergarten, flailing around with finger paints and sand, never knowing what’s going to emerge – prettiness or dreck.
But ultimately, that’s precisely the point. It’s only through flailing in the Creative Sandbox that I’ll find what I really want to be making.
And besides, do I like the feeling I’m making?
You betcha!
As I told my life coach some months back, when I spend even a little time making art, it makes me happy, and my whole day just goes better.
Watch for pics either Wednesday or Thursday (I haven’t decided yet. Pipe in if you have an opinion.)
Meanwhile, also on the plus side:
- At 12 weeks post-op, although my knee still looks like a transplant from a baby giraffe (okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration), I’ve made noticeable progress this week, increasing my range of motion over 10 degrees.
- I managed to get the Thriving Artists Project presale open, and have just a few more things to do tomorrow to be ready for Tuesday’s 1pm PST launch. (Yes, there’s still time to get on the Advance Notice list to get the pre-sale discount pricing, but you’d better hurry.)
- I actually managed to get out to the coast for a walk with my sweetie today. Miracles, apparently, do sometimes happen.
Contest Winners
I also got to make some other people really happy this week, which felt great.
Thanks to everyone who commented, tweeted, blog-posted and emailed about the Thriving Artists Project! You guys are awesome.
And two of you won a year membership in tTAP!
The winner of the commenting contest is Vas Littlecrow, who won in large part because I was so won over by her wanting to win for someone else. (Whew – that was a little complicated. Are you still with me?)
In other words, Vas (who recently claimed that I’m made of cotton-candy and lollipops) won the contest, but her friend Emily Rose got the year membership in the Thriving Artists Project as a gift.
Cool, huh?
In the Twitter/blogging/emailing contest, Dana Barbieri also won a year membership in tTAP.
Congrats to Emily and Dana, I’m so excited to have you in the TAP community! And huge thanks to Vas!
And with that, I’m going to do the unheard of and actually end a post in under 500 words, ’cause I’m tired and it’s time for bed.
Don’t worry, more verbiage will be coming soon. (You know I can’t help myself. ;))
Have a great week!
Susan says
Totally agree. If I’m writing or taking a walk, thinking of a new project, or working on the ones I love – I’m way happier. Like our bodies, energy just gets stuck in our patterns and routine. We need to mix it up! And listen to ourselves. Even if it’s telling us to fingerpaint.
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Yes Susan! It’s amazing how easily we cut ourselves off from the things that make us happy.
But it’s also amazing how quickly that spark of happiness lights back up again when we get back on track!