Need some support to get something done? A group challenge is a great way to do it! Here are three challenges going on RIGHT NOW that you can participate in (or just enjoy from the sidelines and contemplate taking part next time).
Customer Love
Today is the first day of the #customerlove challenge. I’ve signed up to spend 28 days basically being awesome and putting lots of love out there in the world. (I mean, like, consciously. Not like I don’t do this all the time, people. I mean, really.)
The goal? To make customers love you.
It’s LaVonne Ellis‘s creative response to Naomi Dunford’s post “Make Them Love You. THEN Ask For Money.”
The upshot? Lay the groundwork. Or, in Naomi’s words:
Spend the first 28 days being totally, ridiculously awesome. Plan to make 100% of your money on the 29th day.
Spend 28 days being insanely active on Twitter or Facebook or your local small biz networking scene. Spend 28 days making killer contacts on LinkedIn or at the local flower shops or a few select forums. Spend 28 days loudly creating tactical, useful content on your blog or YouTube or, hell, Facebook notes.
Make friends as if your life depended on it. Be helpful. Give lots of shoutouts. Send link love. Generally be the nicest, coolest, smartest kid in school.
Then, on the last day, ask for the money. Launch your consulting sale or your custom deck design sale or your half price classes or whatever at the last possible moment.
So that’s what I’m doing this month.
Wanna join me? You can still register and download the (incredibly awesome) free e-book here.
Today is also the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), an annual creative writing project in which registrants commit to writing an entire novel in a month.
50,000 words. 175 pages.
Yep. Crazy, huh?
But according to Wikipedia (the NaNoWriMo site being unavailable at the time I was looking), in 2009 170,000 people took part.
My friend Fawn is doing it, and hell, if you’re ambitious and a little crazy, you can too!
I’m… not. But then I’m a little busy with other stuff…
Art Every Day Month
Eight years ago, inspired by NaNoWriMo, artist Leah Piken Kolidas challenged herself to make a piece of art every day. The following year she invited others to join her, and at the time of this writing there are 235 people signed up for this year’s challenge.
Participants post their daily creations on their Flikr account (though you don’t actually need a blog OR a Flikr account to participate!)
Sign up for Art Every Day Month here.
Once you start searching for challenges they start popping up everywhere. Know of any you want to share? Post them in the comments below.
Now go get creating!
I didn’t make my 1667 words today because of this little distraction, but hey, I’m writing!
You’re forgiven, Fawn. 🙂
And besides, the fact that you’re writing is the important thing!