Lisa Robbin Young calls herself the singing coach. Her first memory of singing is in her crib, and her grandmother had a vision that she would be a Shirley Temple.
Although the Shirley Temple vision never happened, the singing stayed with her.
Like so many creatives, though, pragmatic voices held sway. As she entered adulthood her dreams went in a box for a number of years. She learned how to code, built one of the first e-commerce websites, which led to writing a book, which led to coaching, and for fifteen years she had a very business-centric focus.
Then a couple of years ago she hit a wall. Music was calling to her from inside the box she’d put it in, and one day her car spun out of control, and she miraculously escaped what might have been a fatal accident.
This was the wake-up call that she needed, and Lisa stepped into more full ownership of being a musician.
Her next step was to figure out how to combine her love of singing with her love of business, which led to her current identity as the singing coach, working with small business entrepreneurs, helping them get paid well to do what they love.
Not surprisingly, I was interested in how creative expression fits into her life, but our conversation went all over the map.
Some Topics We Discussed:
• Do we have to have a “near-death” level experience to make real change in our lives? And if so, why? Lisa’s suggestion: “take the small risks now.”
• The “threshold of belief” that limits us, and the two file folders that either stop us… or make tone-deaf people audition for American Idol!
• “It is so much easier for us to just assume we can’t, than to put in the effort to try.”
• “The file clerk in your head is based on the judgment you make.”
• Lisa’s Creative Freedom Entrepreneur Type framework, and the three types: Chaotic, Fusion, Linear.
• Why Fusion types tend to struggle with perfectionism more than the other types.
• Which type Lady Gaga is, vs. which type the Eagles are.
• Why knowing your Creative Freedom Entrepreneur type is useful (hint: knowing where your blocks are, shining a light on your unconscious weaknesses).
• How to bring your creative thing to the center, regardless of whether it’s your business, and the importance of getting clear on what you’re really driving for.
• The importance of creating “white space” in your day.
Quotables from this Episode
“There is genius hidden in our screw-ups.” @lisarobbinyoung (Click to tweet!)
“It’s not my job as the creator to judge; it’s my job to create.” @lisarobbinyoung (Click to tweet!)
“You have to be willing to find your own groove… & be okay that it doesn’t match anyone else’s.” @lisarobbinyoung (Click to tweet!)
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Lisa’s book, The Secret Watch (Amazon affiliate link)
Take Lisa’s quiz to find out what kind of Creative Freedom type you are.
Lisa’s new album, The Fine Line.
Thanks for Listening!
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Now go get creating!
PS — Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!
Lisa Robbin Young says
Hey there! I am SO excited this interview is LIVE today! It was one of the best interviews I’ve had the pleasure of doing so far. Thanks for the opportunity to connect with you and share with your audience!
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Yay! What a fun conversation that was, Lisa! Thank you for sharing your story and your wisdom with my audience! 🙂
Anne-Maree says
Most people don’t actually hit a wall, Lisa. Glad you walked away from that.
Lots of great ideas – thanks ladies. And I am totally a fusion…
Melissa Dinwiddie says
Yep, fusion here, too. 🙂 As you know from listening!