Today I said goodbye to my first Creative Ignition Circle – 2 months of weekly phone rendezvous (rendezvouses? can you tell my French is nonexistent?) with just a few other creatives. Rendezvous(es) filled with brainstorming, encouragement and validation that creative work is not only NOT a selfish act, but IS essential to our very being.
The transformations that have occurred in just 2 months have been beyond inspiring. Everyone has challenges and roadblocks – everyone. The brilliance comes in figuring out how to get over, under or around them.
It’s amazing how the mere act of talking through challenges while other people who get you bear witness clarifies one’s thoughts. In the past two months I have witnessed off-the-Richter-scale mindset shifts, fostered and incubated in the space provided by the Creative Ignition Circle.
One of the members on the call today speculated what amazingness she – all of us – could accomplish in a year of this kind of of Circle. Hoo-baby! I look forward to running a year-long circle for those ready for that level of commitment. (In the meantime, sign up here if you’d like advance notice of the next (2-month) Circle session, coming up soon.)
In today’s video, I share a couple of big lessons learned in this Circle, involving saying “no,” and saying “yes.” Two words that every creative needs to know how to use appropriately and effectively.
Watch the video, and then tell me, what can you say no to, in order to say yes to your creative life?
PS – Pssst! Know someone who might benefit from seeing this today? Pass it on!