Another fifteen minutes and another three inches. (Actually, probably more like 2 ½…) #tinyanddaily #doodleart #morningdoodle #morningart #originalart #workinprogress #goplay #gogetcreating #doodlewithdinwiddie #pigmamicron #blackandwhite #abstractart
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
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Snapshot from My Studio: May 14, 2016 at 12:08PM
What’s on the page right now.
When you live a full-color life, THIS is why you do what you do.
#thepurposeisjoy #workinprogress #doodleart #abstractart #letteringart #blackandwhite #creativesandbox #pigmamicron #doodlewithdinwiddie #originalart #gogetcreating #goplay
Snapshot from My Studio: May 14, 2016 at 11:27AM
Look how close to done I am! Or, at least how close I am to filling in all these shapes with “mosaic tiles.” The piece itself may not be close to done. I have some ideas for what might come next… #15minutesaday #doodleart #dailydoodle #dailydrawing #dailycreating #abstractart #tinyanddaily #creativesandbox #workinprogress #originalart #pigmamicron #doodlewithdinwiddie #gogetcreating #goplay
Snapshot from My Studio: May 13, 2016 at 10:02AM
Fifteen minutes stretches into thirty or more so easily when I draw while listening to an online class. If my hand didn’t seize up from the tiny work (some of these shapes are 1/32″!), I would happily spend all day doodling and learning.
This shot shows a section that’s less than 3″ square. (Have I mentioned I like tiny?) #dailydoodle #dailycreating #workinprogress #originalart #abstractart #blackandwhite #pigmamicron #doodlewithdinwiddie #creativesandbox #tinyanddaily #gogetcreating #goplay
Snapshot from My Studio: May 12, 2016 at 09:55AM
Note to self: it doesn’t work so great to try to draw when you’re really sleepy.
I performed as one half of the half-time musical interlude at a comedy competition an hour away last night, which provided a good reminder that 11:47 is too late to get to sleep during the week… Late nights and morning art don’t mix well.
My eyes water when I yawn, so everything is blurry. And that’s when I’m able to keep my eyes *open*! I managed to get my 15 minutes in, but let’s just say it was not an optimal experience… #sleepy #doodleart #workinprogress #abstractart #blackandwhite #originalart #creativesandbox #morningdoodle #morningart #15minutesaday #pigmamicron #doodlewithdinwiddie #goplay #gogetcreating #tinyanddaily #iwanttogobacktobed