Doodlebot loves rock climbing, too. Though I do all my rock climbing in a gym. .
#doodlebot #doodle #dailycreative #doodlesofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #imperfectionism #originalart #abstractart #tinyart #tinyanddaily #creativesandboxway #pigmamicron #blackandwhite
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
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Snapshot from My Studio: September 25, 2018 at 09:30AM
So much to do today!!! Proposal to get from draft form into InDesign. Podcast to produce and schedule. White paper to work on. Speech to practice. But before it all, I still take time for Creative Sandbox playtime. Why? Because it’s essential. Because my whole day goes better when I take even just a *tiny* bit of time to play, just for me. 🖍
“Think tiny and daily” is Creative Sandbox Way™ Guidepost #4. It makes a difference, that tiny and daily, creating in the books and crannies, even if it seems like it’s a stupid waste of time. It keeps your toe in the creative stream. And those small daily acts add up. (And you can still do a deep dive and come to a retreat or a Playday, too! It doesn’t have to be “either, or”! It gets to be “both, and”!)
What can you do today, *right now*, to make your creative spirit happy? What’s the trendiest, tiniest little playful thing that would delight her?
#doodle #doodlebot #imperfectionism #improvart #intuitiveart #tinyanddaily #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #doodlesofinstagram #originalart #abstractart #tinyart #dailyart #dailycreative #smalldailyacts #creativesandboxway
Snapshot from My Studio: September 22, 2018 at 09:16AM
Doodlebot is wearing a hoodie today! (I didn’t even know Doodlebot had wardrobe options! Doodlebot is always surprising me. 😊)
#doodle #doodlesofinstagram #dailydoodle #dailycreative #imperfectionism #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #originalart #tinyart #blackandwhite #doodlebot #abstractart #pigmamicron #creativesandboxway
Snapshot from My Studio: September 20, 2018 at 10:34AM
Doodlebot says hello. 😊
What are you creating today? And if the answer is “nothing,” can you carve out just two minutes to doodle? Seriously!! It’s amazing how taking a *tiny* bit of time for creative play can make a big difference toward refreshing your entire being! You think more clearly, you see possibilities where before there were none, your entire outlook lifts from “bleah” to “better!”
Creative play is not an indulgence. Not a frivolous waste of time. It’s essential. How are you going to give yourself some today?
Ready to immerse yourself? Come to my next Creative Sandbox Playday or 5-day Creative Sandbox Retreat (links in profile) and watch your life transform. 😊
#artistsofinstagram #originalart #artistsoninstagram #makestuff #blackandwhite #tinyart #tinyanddaily #doodle #doodlesofinstagram #doodlebot #abstractart #pigmamicron #creativesandboxway #imperfectionism #intuitiveart
Snapshot from My Studio: September 17, 2018 at 09:21PM
This bedtime doodle is definitely inspired by the Dada art I saw at the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Artists playing—that’s what Dada feels like to me. 😊
#doodle #dailydoodle #dailycreative #intuitiveart #improvisation #spontaneousart #whimsy #dadaism #doodlesofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #creativesandboxway #originalart #abstractart #tinyart