The doodle from today’s Doodlecam. Today’s Doodlecam is all about just STARTING, and also the importance of SHARING your work. Yes, I know that sounds scary, but what I’ve found is that I see my work as a thousand times crappier than anyone else does! 🖍
In fact, I intentionally created a practice of sharing works in progress—my “crappy” stuff I was EMBARRASSED to share, and what astonished me was how many people made the effort to lift their thumbs to tap the “like” button or leave a nice comment! !!!
The practice of sharing me work was terrifying at first, but it was so powerful! And it became less scary over time. Not that the fear ever went away, but it has helped me to see that other people see my work for what it IS, while I see my work for what it ISN’T. (Hat tip to Peter Thornton for that tidbit!)
Sharing my work before it feels “good enough” has helped me take off my “gremlin glasses” so I can see my work through other people’s glasses! This is POWERFUL!
I challenge you to try it. Yes, I know it’s scary. Try it anyway. I have NEVER gotten a mean comment. Only likes and compliments. And people offering to BUY pieces I was planning on tossing!!! 🖍
The goal, though, is NOT to get validation. The goal is to see your work through other people’s eyes, instead of through your gremlin glasses. TRY IT! 😊👍
#doodle #doodlebot #doodlesofinstagram #originalart #abstractart #creativesandboxway
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: June 28, 2018 at 01:33PM
Doodle from today’s Doodlecam (which you can watch on my IGTV channel) This one is all about handling the gremlins —you know, that inner critic voice that tells you “you suck!” and stuff like that.
In fact, from the very first mark, when I talk about dealing with the fear of the blank page, every Doodlecam talks about handling gremlins, but this one really focuses on them. 🖍
See, the goal is to get the gremlins OUT of the driver’s seat, because if it’s up to them, your bus will stay permanently parked! You’ll never go anywhere, try anything, or make anything!
Not acceptable!
Gremlins, bless their pesky little hearts, are just trying to keep us safe. Safely inside our comfort zones, where we can’t be hurt, humiliated, or shamed (they think).
But of course, paralysis is painful! So in the Creative Sandbox, we want to keep our gremlins OUT of the driver’s seat, and get our inner 4-year-olds IN the driver’s seat, so THEY’RE driving the bus!
That’s what today’s Doodlecam was all about. Check it out on my IGTV channel, and let me know your thoughts. .
#doodle #doodlebot #doodlesofinstagram #originalart #imperfectionism #blackandwhite #abstractart #tinyanddaily #creativesandboxway #doodlewithdinwiddie
Snapshot from My Studio: June 26, 2018 at 01:33PM
I know too many people who *want* to make stuff — write, draw, paint, make music — but they ask themselves “What’s the point?” and don’t have a good answer. 🖍
So why do I make a doodle every day? What’s it all for? That’s what I talked about on today’s IGTV Doodlecam video. 🖍
The answer is a lot like the answer to “why meditate?” The benefits are vast, yet I don’t do it for some scientific cost-benefit analysis.
I do know that after years of (almost) daily doodling, there has been a profound transformation. In just ten minutes a day.
Try it yourself, and see how it affects you. You may need to give it a couple of weeks, a month, but if you allow yourself to really play in the Creative Sandbox for even 10 minutes a day, it will change you.
#creativesandboxway #doodlepractice #dailydoodle #doodle #doodlebot #doodlesofinstagram #originalart #blackandwhite #abstractart #pigmamicron #dailycreative #imperfectionism #improv
Snapshot from My Studio: June 25, 2018 at 03:48PM
From a 10-min live-streamed video on Doodling as a Spiritual Practice. (I had to set a stopwatch to make sure I kept it under 10 min, so I could post it to IGTV without editing it down! 😜)
#doodle #doodlebot #doodleart #originalart #artistsofinstagram #dailydoodle #dailyart #pigmamicron #doodlesofinstagram #imperfectionism
Snapshot from My Studio: June 24, 2018 at 06:08PM
One of my big goals for the weekend was to practice visual notetaking. I have an actual gig on July 22 (!) 🖍
I’ll be doing a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® team building hour at the Annual Board Retreat for my synagogue, and I asked the Board president if he could use any of the retreat documented, and he said yes, so I offered to do visual notes! He was quite enthusiastic, so now my goal is to practice as much as I can between now and then!
Today I watched a @creativelive CreativeLive class on visual notes, and this is my attempt at the final practice exercise.
I’m proud of myself for trying, but I’m not impressed with my efforts—there’s no cohesiveness to the structure—it’s all over the map; my lettering is sloppy (you’d never know I used to be a professional calligrapher, partly because I’m not used to working large, but mostly because I’m not used to working at speed, so my lettering really degrades when I go fast!); there aren’t enough visuals; I didn’t listen well, so I emphasized things that I would leave out entirely if I were to do it again.
Yep, I need a lot of improvement. But hey, that’s what practice is for! 😊 🖍
You’ve got to start somewhere! You have to let yourself make crap, because it’s the crap that fertilizes the good stuff! 💩 You have to let yourself suck in order to learn how to unsuck!
So here’s me starting, learning how to unsuck. 😊
Little by little I will get better. I do not expect this to be a linear process, but I do expect improvement over time if I put in the effort.
Next time I will choose one thing to focus on (probably listening for structure), and try again.
What are you working on?
#visualnotes #visualthinking #visualnotetaking #sketchnotes #sketchnote #sketchnoting #graphicrecording #graphicfacilitation #beginner #juststart #creativesandboxway #originalart