Different flavors of “scared” from another prompt from the April Fooling with Faces and Forms creative challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community.
I’m so grateful to my community members for getting us started with these monthly creative challenges. Having these prompts is personally inspiring and motivating for ME, but this wasn’t a “top down” idea, it was something that came up in one of our live calls, from MEMBERS. I polled the community to see if others were also interested in the idea, and when three members stepped forward to rotate hosting the challenges, BOOM, we were ON!
This is how we roll: the power of the community is our MEMBERS. 🖍
Earlier this month someone mentioned that she’s participating in a postcard swap, and another member said, “Hey, we could do a Creative Sandbox postcard swap!” So we brainstormed on THAT call how to make that happen, and we’ll be adding postcard swaps starting next month. 🖍
Creativity breeds creativity. Generosity breeds generosity. I’ll be opening the doors to new members in June—stay tuned! And get on the invite list at http://bit.ly/2pPbRDZ
#creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxchallenge #drawingemotions #tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #100dayproject #doodleart #originalart #dailydoodle #dailycreative #visualthinking #visualjournal #graphicfacilitation
Artwork in Progress
I create just about every day, and share my works-in-progress here, and on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can find finished paintings from 2011 through 2015 in my Daily Paintings feed.
Like something you see? Visit my Art Shop to see if it's still available.
Snapshot from My Studio: April 26, 2018 at 07:09AM
Hat tip to @hey.karyn for the idea that inspired this cartoon—perhaps my first ever! I had fun with this. 😊
Tell me, do you relate? Which flavor of procrastination are YOU today? Or most frequently? I can tell you I mostly avoid Pinterest like the plague because it is so dangerous for me! And ever since I moved my Creative Sandbox Community OFF of Facebook, I’ve spent a lot less time there, though I still belong to a ton of Groups, so I check in every so often—just not multiple times a day like it used to be when my Community was there!
Now my go-to procrastination-of-choice is Instagram, for sure. And email. 🖍
But much of my non-Deep-Work time goes to individual communities I belong to—my own Creative Sandbox Community, hosted on @mightynetworks, along with a few others, like @CoCommercial and @loublaser’s community, AndThriving.net. 🖍
So it’s not that I’m spending less time on social media, it’s just that it’s *smaller*, private social media, rather than Big Brand (Big Brother?) social media. The spaces are quieter—less “noisy”, no ads, no political BS—and the conversations are deep and meaningful, focused around specific topics I’m interested in.
It’s deeply satisfying!
So really, those social networks don’t even qualify as procrastination. They are part of what sustains me.
#doodle #dailydoodle #dailycreative #100dayproject #tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #doodleart #originalart #visualthinking #visualcommunication #cartoon #procrastination #procrastinationhumor #socialmediahumor #illustration_daily #creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxway
Snapshot from My Studio: April 25, 2018 at 09:15AM
Sketching out ideas. .
#visualcommunication #visualnotes #visualthinking #graphicfacilitation #graphicfacilitator #100dayproject #doodleart #doodle #originalart #bikablo #stickfigure #stickfigures #creativesandboxway #visualjournal
Snapshot from My Studio: April 24, 2018 at 08:25AM
Day 24 of the April Fooling with Faces and Forms creative challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community: bored. Playing with different bored faces. 🖍
Whenever I feel frustrated with my efforts, I remind myself that when graphic facilitating, slapping a label on a drawing solves just about all problems. I’m not aiming for Art here, but communication of ideas.
What a relief that is! 😊
#tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #doodleart #100dayproject #visualthinking #visualcommunication #creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxchallenge #originalart #dailydoodle #dailycreative #graphicfacilitation
Snapshot from My Studio: April 23, 2018 at 09:19AM
Playing with different angry faces for the April Fooling with Faces and Forms creative challenge inside the Creative Sandbox Community. .
#tinyanddaily #smalldailyacts #drawingemotions #100dayproject #doodleart #doodles #dailycreative #dailydoodle #creativesandboxcommunity #creativesandboxchallenge #originalart #visualcommunication #graphicfacilitation